Home Access Easy instructions to get registered for Home Access
On the SPHS website click on the Quick Link to Home Access
Click on “Log-in”
If you have previously been set up but have forgotten your username or password Before being able to continue, the Registrar will need to delete your prior username then You will be able to register again following these instructions.
You do not have a username or password so click here to the right
Enter your first name / last name / city / zip code and school address and hit “register”
Make up a Username, 2 security questions with answers and hit finish to acknowledge the “Terms of Use”
Ideas for security questions My pet’s name My first car How many brothers do I have My favorite color The town or country I was born The color of my hair
Please record your username somewhere safe – Maybe even on your cell phone:
An will be sent to your school address
Using Google go to your school address
Log-in Your username is Your password (unless you have changed it) is your date of birth
Setting up your password The automated you receive will have a link to set up your password. Click on the blue underlined writing (the link) and you will be prompted to set up a password. Please write this down.
You are set to go! Go back to the SPHS website Quick Link to Home Access
Or the RRISD website – Parents tab
Click Log-in
Enter your Username & Password
You are in Home Access
This is your Home Access Parents and Guardians go through exactly the same process. Guardian names must be entered exactly as they are in the system. If your parents are Bob & Amy Brown and Amy is attempting to register, she must use Bob OR Bob & Amy. Entering either Bob and Amy or Amy Brown will not work. The guardian names are on the registration tab of Home Access. You can help your parents by showing them how their name is entered.