T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Why register? Who is concerned? What should be registered? How to register?
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Why: Security reasons. Decision taken by the CERN Management Board: only registered computers are allowed network access. Implementation started in September Who: “to enforce hardware address registration for all on-site computers, including those of short-term visitors.”
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network How to register? Information available here: CERN Homepage -> IT: -> “Visitors’ portables”: div/gencomputing/VisitorPortables.asp
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Which registration form? –CERN staff, visitors or CERN users with a valid NICE account register on a CERN Intranet pageCERN Intranet page –Visitors without a valid NICE account register here here They can register themselves, or CERN staff can fill in the registration form for them In either case, a contact person at CERN (must be a CERN staff, fellow or contract personnel member) must sign the form.
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Visitors without a valid NICE account - data to be input: –Personal data about the visitor (name, surname, affiliation, phone, , arrival date, length of stay, reason for the visit) –Your name as contact person –Data about the machine: the hardware address
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network What is the hardware address? –also called MAC Address, Machine Address, Network Interface Card Address. A unique identifier assigned to the Network Card inside any network-ready machine. The HA consists of 12 characters (numbers 0-9 and letters A- F) arranged as 6 pairs: 00:23:a4:d3:76:7b. –Because the hardware address is actually physically embedded into the network card, it cannot be changed. –One machine can have more than 1 HA: e.g. 1 Ethernet (cable connection) + 1 Wireless
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network How to find the hardware address(es)? Label(s) on the machine, or: If it is not displayed on the machine (for Win 2000 and XP) : –Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System Information. When the program comes up, follow: Components >> Network >> Adapter OR: –Open a command prompt and type: ipconfig/all
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Visitors without a valid NICE account - what should the contact person do? –After the submission of the “connection request form”, the CERN contact will get an . –The contains the URL of the request to be signed (using the NICE password).request
T. Basaglia, Group Meeting, Connecting Portable Computers to the CERN Network Questions?