Kittatinny Regional High School Sussex County Community College April 2012
Sussex County Community College, located in northern New Jersey, has offered Dual/Concurrent Enrollment for Math courses at Kittatinny Regional High School since Spring Students are required to pass the Accuplacer College Level Math Placement test for upper level math courses Pre-Calculus and Calculus. Kittatinny Regional High School has approximately 750 students in grades 9-12 ◦ Moving toward adding AP courses and more concurrent enrollment courses to offer students options. ◦ Concurrent enrollment is given for year long high school courses in the college spring semester and begins with a meeting with parents in October to explain the program.
DateCourseCredit# of students Pass rate on Accuplacer CLM 2008Contemporary Math Calculus I Contemporary Math Pre-Calculus I32227% Calculus I4957% 2010Contemporary Math Pre-Calculus I3326% Calculus I4260%
Research shows that if high school teachers understood the test they would be better able to prepare the students. Best way is for teachers to take the test and then discuss the process, content, and results. Needed to create a workshop.
Applied for and received a $5,000 grant November 2010 from State Farm Insurance to cover: * Stipends for high school teachers to attend the workshop * Stipends for Kittatinny Supervisor of Instruction and SCCC Math faculty to develop and implement the workshop * Cost of tests and other material for the workshop * Stipends for development and implementation of a workshop for students to prepare them for the test
December 2010 ◦ High School Supervisor of Instruction along with SCCC faculty developed and implemented the workshop for high school teachers. ◦ 10 high school teachers came to SCCC and took the Accuplacer College Level Math Placement test and then discussed the test taking process, the content of the test, and how to best help students pass the test.
Determined that the best people to develop and implement a workshop for students are the high school teachers. The workshop focused on helping students pass the CLM test to received credit for Pre-Calculus I. The Process: ◦ Initially generated list of students who were interested ◦ Developed and implemented a series of meetings/workshops with students ◦ Created power point with links to practice questions ◦ Students took the test once after attending meetings/workshops ◦ HS teachers identified who didn’t pass and worked individually with them before retesting
Spring 2011 76% of the students passed CLM and received credits for Pre-Calculus I (13 students) Spring 2012 72% of the students passed CLM and received credits for Pre-Calculus I (10 students)
SCCC faculty have evaluated the high school Pre-Calculus course and determined that the students should be receiving credit for both Pre-Calculus I & II. High School teachers will need to work with students in Intermediate Algebra now to prepare them for the placement test.
THANK YOU Alberta Jaeger, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Sussex County Community College Gene McNicholas, Supervisor of Science, Math, Music & Creative Arts Kittatinny Regional High School