SM 629 European policies and practice towards the Roma Week 7 Czech Republic 6th April 2006 Laura Laubeova, &
Schedule changes Week 813 AprilPolicy case study – The Decade of Romani Inclusion (Gabriela Hrabaňová) Week 920 AprilField research - reports and evaluation Week 1027 April Romani migrations and their impact on policy-making Week 111 May ESSAYS DUE!!!!! Week 114 MayEastern Europe -- case study on former Yugoslavia (Background,Policy and Practice) Week 1211 MayWestern Europe -- case study UK (Background, Policy and Practice) (Martina Kalinová) Week 1318 MayConclusion/Review
Unit structure Resources and links Historical background ECRI report 2004, WB and UNDP reports Education (covered in Unit 5) Readings: Will Guy-in detail, Zoltan Barany, Will Kymlicka (Pavel Barsa) Optional: Migration issues in CZ and Slovakia Also Unit 10
Some Resources and Links Bratinka Report (1997) Concept of Romani Integration (2002) ditto Compliance with Principles set forth in the FCNM according to Article 25, Paragraph 1 of this Convention, WB, UNDP - see links in Unit 3 Czech Radio Romea Gabal, Ivan (2000) Czech Helsinki Committee (2002) IOM report on Slovak Roma migration to CZ (Nov. 2003)
Maria Theresa and Joseph II. ( ) assimilation, sedentarisation 1927 Act on Nomadic Gypsies (identity cards) Nazi holocaust ( –1.5 m. died) After WW II: Slovak Roma brought to Sudetenland 1958 Act on settlement of nomadic persons (repealed in CZ in 97) 1965 policy of dispersion and displacement 1968 Association of Gypsies/Roma in CS 1978 Charta 77 document 1989 recognised as national minority History
After Citizenship Law (de facto discrimination), put most Roma in position of aliens 1997 Emigration to Canada, UK → Bratinka report ( UN CERD Concluding observations on CR, "de facto” segregation in edu (article 5 ICERD) 1999 Concept of Romani integration - adopted in UK Immigration officers in Prague Airport (CHC Statement 29 Aug. 01 ), House of Lords Dec "Concept of Romani Integration", no quota but equalising measures 2003 Denial by pres. Klaus, BBC Hardtalk
“Exodus” to Canada 1996: 150 Czech Romani claimants 6 Aug. 1997: TV documentary 6 Aug.– 8 Oct. 97: 1500 claimants/ “Invasion”, i.e. 6% of all refugee claimants in 97 Re-introduction of visa requirement Migration to UK and other EU countries Bratinka report and Concept of Romani Integration
ECRI 3 rd Report on the Czech Republic 8 June 2004 Part II Specific Issues:Situation of Roma at the local level `ECRI expresses deep concern at the deplorable situation of Roma at the local level. Roma communities continue to suffer from accumulation of social and economic disadvantage, aggravated by changing economic conditions, discrimination and a lack of willingness by local officials and communities to adopt the necessary measures to improve the situation.`
ECRI Report on CZ cont. `ECRI deeply regrets that the majority of local authorities seem not to be motivated to take actions to improve the situation of Roma as such actions are reportedly not popular with local communities and can be politically costly` `ECRI expresses its concern over a new trend to maintain the system of segregated education in a new form – this involves special classes in mainstream schools.` country_approach/Czech_Republic/Czech_Republic_CBC_3.asp#TopOfPage
Recent developments Decade of Romani Inclusion in CZ- Athinganoi WB +UNDP Reports: chapters on CZ Revision of the Concept of Romani Integration in CZ 2004 International Romani Day 8 th April
READINGS: Roma in CZ & CEE Will Guy (ed), Between Past and Future: the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe (2001) Marden, Matthew D. (2004) ) “Return to Europe? The Czech Republic and the EU's influence on its treatment of Roma”. Schlager, Erika (2006) Helsinki Commission article: European Court; Czech Desegregation Case. 22 February Zoltan Barany, The East European Gypsies. Regime Change, Marginality, and Ethnopolitics (2002) Kovats, Martin (2001). “Hungary: politics, difference and equality.” ?” In Guy, ed. Will Kymlicka, Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? (2001), mainly article by Pavel Barsa: `Ethnocultural Justice in East European States and the Case of the Czech Roma`, pp
Will Guy: The Czech lands and Slovakia: another false dawn? Pre- communist policy differences (nomadism vs. sedentarisation, WW 2, etc) Communism 1989 – – present Fulfilment of the Charter 77 prophecy
Communism Enforced + voluntary relocation to Sudetenlands from Slovak shanty-town settlements (after removal of Germans 1945) Large scale employment (low status jobs), decayed urban areas 1958 policy of integration (USSR model), population dispersal, law on settlement of nomads 1965 policy on transfer (from Sk) + dispersal 68 federalisation; Association of Gypsies-Roma (73) 1978 Charter 77 Information on situation of Gypsies- Roma quotation p „prophecy“ p. 293
Charter 77 Document 23 about the situation of Gypsies-Roma in CS Denial of national minority status to R. „was dictated by the desire of the ruling powers to reduce the size of the minority problem“ Criticism of sterilisation, housing + educational segregation, use of 58 law – branded as „racist repression“ Challenged the government claim to have integrated Roma into labour force (perpetuating disadvantaged position) Warning about vulnerability of Romani workers when economy modernises p.293
ROI (Romani Civic Initiative) a part of OF (Civic Forum) Roma gained status as a national minority, Romani MPs Bogardus scale of social distance – high hostility Beauty Queen racist utterance (Stewart 1997) Racist attacks (1995 longer sentences, racism in police force) Unemployment (70 % vs. national 5%- Bratinka 97); stereotype of self-chosen unemployment Criminality (20% vs. national 3%) – criminalisation, abused by Republicans (Sládek) Citizenship law 93, 96, 2000; led to 97 exodus Housing ghettoisation (barren flats), educational segregation
present 97 Bratinka report on situation of R. community in CZ Resolution # 686 (Romani district advisors, RTA) Inter-departmental commission for Romani affairs 98 Social Democrats in government Framework Convention April 99 Draft Concept of Romani integration, approved in June 2000 „Conflict-free co-existence of the R. community with the remainder of society“ Safety, non-discrimination, improving social sit (employment, housing, health) Equalising measures, no quota
Future visions – cont. Will Guy Fulfilling the grim Charter 77 prophecy? EU entry impact Double standards cf. Canada vs. UK asylum claimants’ success rate IRU stabilisation policies Prevent mass unemployment + dependency on social support Prejudice, racism, hostility, discrimination, social situation (edu., empl., housing, health…)
Next week - Gabriela Hrabaňová Unit 3 World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz dined with seven young Roma leaders on February in Prague to get their views on efforts to empower the Roma