Chapters 9-12: Student Led Discussion I BEAT THE ODDS
Next week, we are going to be following a slightly different discussion format for our discussion of these chapters, although it will be similar to the 9-12 discussion. You will be assigned a chapter for which to prepare TWO deep, thought provoking questions. Because you are only being assigned two questions AND these might be used in discussion, please ensure that your questions demonstrate your strongest HOTS. Please type them into the SAME Google Doc, titled “Discussion Prep” that you submitted earlier this week. This time, your questions will be randomly selected ahead of time, but your name will be attached to them if it is used. DISCUSSION GUIDELINES
Chapter 14 1.Grace 2.Sabrine 3.Dom 4.Peyton 5.Ben Z. 6.Kelsey 7.Wyatt 8.Elizabeth 9.Logan Chapter 15 1.Samantha 2.Sayan 3.Lina 4.Ben L. 5.Natasha 6.Emily 7.Kylie 8.Maddie D. 9.Maddy B. LOOK FOR YOUR NAME AND CHAPTER Chapter 16 1.Avery 2.Yoo-Jin 3.Sarah 4.Lindsay 5.Joseph 6.Jessica F. 7.Zach 8.Rohan 9.Krystal Chapter 13 1.Carl 2.Haley 3.Jacob 4.Delaney 5.Akhil 6.Jessica 7.Sammi 8.Matthew
You will be meeting in assigned groups for today. Typically, two questions will be projected for a specific period of time. It is the job of you and your peers to discuss each question for the ENTIRE time that it is posted. To help ensure your success, the question will be posted and you and your peers will be given ONE MINUTE of silent thinking time to process your response. You will not begin speaking until cued by your teacher. As you are discussing, your teacher will be observing your discussion and group skills for a daily grade. DISCUSSION DAY PROTOCOL