Review: Why Did Jesus have to Die? To Fulfill Old Testament Prophecy. To Fulfill the Law of Moses. To Become Our Sin Offering. To Provide Redemption for.


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Presentation transcript:

Review: Why Did Jesus have to Die? To Fulfill Old Testament Prophecy. To Fulfill the Law of Moses. To Become Our Sin Offering. To Provide Redemption for us and Forgiveness. To Purchase the Church. To Atone for our Sins. To Defeat the Devil. That You and I might Live Unto Righteousness!

The Last Twenty Four Hours of Jesus’ Life Fact: When one examines “the four gospels,” with reference to the death of Jesus, and examines what occurred in the time period just prior to, and leading up to the death of Jesus, he becomes amazed at the things which took place! Our Aim in this Lesson: To the extent possible, to discuss chronologically the things which occurred.

Facts Pertaining to this Time Period: The Events Began at the time of the Jewish Passover, Mark 14: – Passover was observed on the 14 th day of Nissan, Exodus 12:6,8. – Jesus was crucified on the following day, the day “of preparation,” or “the day before the Sabbath,” Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:31. These Events Occurred on: – The 14 th day of Nissan (Thursday of that week). – The 15 th day of Nissan (Friday of that week).

The Events on Thursday: Jesus and His disciples made preparation for the Passover, Mark 14:12-16; Matthew 26: In the “evening” Jesus and His disciples gathered to eat the Passover, Mark 14:17,18; Matthew 26:20,21. – Jesus announced that one of them would “betray” Him, Mark 14:18; Matthew 26:21. Jesus Instituted the Lord’s Supper, Matthew 26:26- 29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19,20. – Judas left the group, John 13:2.

Events on Thursday night (con’t) Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet, John 13:4-9 The Last Discourses to the eleven Disciples, John, chapters 14,15,16. Jesus Prayed to God, John 17. – In behalf of Himself, John 17:1-5. – In behalf of the Disciples, John 17:6-19. – In behalf of us, John 17: Jesus and His Disciples sang a hymn, Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26.

Events on Thursday Night (con’t) Jesus and His Disciples went out into the mount of Olives, Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26. They then went to Gethsemane, Mark 14:32. Jesus began to pray, Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22: – He had asked Peter, James, and John to “watch” while He prayed, Matthew 26:37,38; Mark 14:33,34.

Events on Thursday night (con’t) Judas arrived with the enemy! Matt. 26:47-49 – It was at night, John 18:3. Peter cut off the ear of Malcus, John 18:10,11 The Disciples forsook Jesus and fled, Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50. Jesus was taken before Annas, John 18:12,13. Jesus was taken before Caiaphas and the Jewish “Council,” Matthew 27:57-68; Mark 14: It was a mock trial!

Events Which Occurred on Friday Peter denied Jesus, Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; John 18:15-18, The Chief Priests and Elder reconvened, and took counsel to put Jesus to death, Matthew 27:1. Jesus was then taken to Pilate, Matthew 27:1,2; Luke 23:1,2. Jesus was sent to Herod, Luke 23:7-11.

Events Which Occurred on Friday (Con’t) Jesus was sent back to Pilate, Luke 23:11. After being declared innocent, Jesus was scourged, Matthew 27:26, and delivered to be crucified. Jesus was crucified at third hour of the day, Mark 15:25, or about 9:00 a.m. Darkness from 6 th to 9 th hour, Matthew 27:45; Luke 23:44.

Events Which Occurred on Friday, Continued Jesus said “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit; and having said thus, He gave up the ghost,” Luke 23:46. The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, Matthew 27:51. There was a great earth quake; graves were opened, and “many bodies of saints which slept arose…,” Matthew 27:51-53.

Conclusion: All these events occurred in two days -- on Thursday and Friday! In these events we see religious prejudice, human greed, betrayal, pride, mockery, fear, self-preservation, and cruelty. We also see extreme irony – a human council of religious apostates putting the Son of God on trial! The irony is further evidenced in Pilate who thought he could wash his hands of Jesus!

Conclusion (con’t) However, Jesus did not just die because the people then sinned; He died because God loves us and wants us saved! John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Hebrews 2:9; I Corinthians 15:1-4. In view of what Jesus did for us, and why He did what He did, how can any sane person reject His invitation? Hebrews 5:9; Matthew 11:28-30.