Senior English per.1 Kyle Williams Class Website Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Use code below: 1 st hour: We will be using the to submit assignments electronically. Here is your class code to register: Please use school to sign up. spiral college rule notebook w/ folders or notebook & pocket folder pens and highlighters Homework will be posted on the class website and sent via Remind101. If you have questions, the teacher. Late homework will not be accepted for full points. Work more than 1 week after the due date is not accepted. Homework Policy Extra Help If you are having trouble with any assignment, you should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with any student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before and after school and during 4 th hour lunch by appointment. The class website will be your go-to spot for homework, important announcements, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Supply List org Phone: #1 RESPECT OTHERS. #2 NO SCHLOCK!!! Following these 2 short rules will address all classroom incidents. NO CELL PHONES!
Senior English per. 2 Kyle Williams Class Website Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Use code below: 2nd hour: We will be using the to submit assignments electronically. Here is your class code to register: Please use school to sign up. spiral college rule notebook w/ folders or notebook & pocket folder pens and highlighters Homework will be posted on the class website and sent via Remind101. If you have questions, the teacher. Late homework will not be accepted for full points. Work more than 1 week after the due date is not accepted. Homework Policy Extra Help If you are having trouble with any assignment, you should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with any student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before and after school and during 4 th hour lunch by appointment. The class website will be your go-to spot for homework, important announcements, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Supply List org Phone: #1 RESPECT OTHERS. #2 NO SCHLOCK!!! Following these 2 short rules will address all classroom incidents. NO CELL PHONES!
Freshman English per.5 Kyle Williams Class Website Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Use code below: 5 st hour: We will be using the to submit assignments electronically. Here is your class code to register: Please use school to sign up. spiral college rule notebook w/ folders or notebook & pocket folder pens and highlighters Homework will be posted on the class website and sent via Remind101. If you have questions, the teacher. Late homework will not be accepted for full points. Work more than 1 week after the due date is not accepted. Homework Policy Extra Help If you are having trouble with any assignment, you should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with any student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before and after school and during 4 th hour lunch by appointment. The class website will be your go-to spot for homework, important announcements, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Supply List org Phone: #1 RESPECT OTHERS. #2 NO SCHLOCK!!! Following these 2 short rules will address all classroom incidents. NO CELL PHONES!
Freshman English per. 6 Kyle Williams Class Website Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Use code below: 5 st hour: We will be using the to submit assignments electronically. Here is your class code to register: Please use school to sign up. spiral college rule notebook w/ folders or notebook & pocket folder pens and highlighters Homework will be posted on the class website and sent via Remind101. If you have questions, the teacher. Late homework will not be accepted for full points. Work more than 1 week after the due date is not accepted. Homework Policy Extra Help If you are having trouble with any assignment, you should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with any student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before and after school and during 4 th hour lunch by appointment. The class website will be your go-to spot for homework, important announcements, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Supply List org Phone: #1 RESPECT OTHERS. #2 NO SCHLOCK!!! Following these 2 short rules will address all classroom incidents. NO CELL PHONES!
Freshman English per. 7 Kyle Williams Class Website Register to receive text messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. Use code below: 5 st hour: We will be using the to submit assignments electronically. Here is your class code to register: Please use school to sign up. spiral college rule notebook w/ folders or notebook & pocket folder pens and highlighters Homework will be posted on the class website and sent via Remind101. If you have questions, the teacher. Late homework will not be accepted for full points. Work more than 1 week after the due date is not accepted. Homework Policy Extra Help If you are having trouble with any assignment, you should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with any student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before and after school and during 4 th hour lunch by appointment. The class website will be your go-to spot for homework, important announcements, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Supply List org Phone: #1 RESPECT OTHERS. #2 NO SCHLOCK!!! Following these 2 short rules will address all classroom incidents. NO CELL PHONES!
Algebra I Course Guide _________________________________ Student Name _________________________________ Student Signature _____________ Date I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date