WHAT IS THE WPE? Writing Assessment Office Office of Undergraduate Studies Campus Center 1st Floor, Room
WPE Testing Process ▸ When is the next WPE? ▸ The next portfolio is due October 23. Registration opens on September 21. Bookmark There, you can find the WPE schedule for the academic year. ▸ Are there make-up days for the WPE if I miss it? ▸ No. If you miss the WPE you have to wait until the next one. ▸ If I take a timed exam and don’t pass can I switch to portfolio (or vice-versa)? ▸ Yes. ▸ Do I have to turn in a portfolio in person? ▸ If you can’t make it to campus, a friend, or a family member can turn in your portfolio for you. If you are an online student who lives far away, or if you are traveling at the time of the WPE, contact us in advance by and we will arrange for you to submit your portfolio
Testing Process Continued ▸ Can I submit a portfolio by mail, or by fax? ▸ No, you can’t. If for some reason you can’t submit your portfolio in person on the due day, please contact the WPE office in advance, and they will arrange for you to submit it electronically. ▸ How do I get the readings? ▸ Immediately after you have registered, the system will send to your student address a confirmation that you are registered. In that message will be a link to the reading set. If you did not receive that confirmation message, write to and a member of the WPE staff will send you the ▸ How do I get the writing prompt/question? ▸ For portfolios, the writing prompt is on the first page of the reading set. For timed exams, you will not get the writing prompt until you show up to do the exam. ▸ How do I register for the WPE? ▸ Go to during the registration period. You cannot register outside of the registration period. (For instance, you will not be able to register for the January WPE until December.)
Portfolio Process ▸ What does the portfolio consist of? ▸ A new 5-page essay answering the WPE reading set question, and at least 15 pages You must turn in at least 15 pages of supporting course papers. ▸ What is the criteria for supporting papers? 1.You must submit a minimum of two papers from two different courses. Each paper must be a typed, graded paper written for a course taught at UMB (for example, English 102, First Year Seminar, or Intermediate Seminar). 2.At least one of the papers must come from a course at the 200-level or higher (for example, an Intermediate Seminar). 3.All course papers must be analytical essays written in English and must demonstrate the criteria outlined in The Elements of Writing Proficiency.The Elements of Writing Proficiency 4.Two or three of the supporting course papers must be based on the analysis of two or more sources. Only one paper may be based on the analysis of one source or on the analysis of information gathered through observation, interview, or experimentation.
Portfolio Process Continued 5.No single paper can be less than three full pages, and one paper must be at least five full pages. 6.Each original graded paper must have attached to it a completed certification form signed by the instructor who graded it. If you do not have an original graded paper, but you have an electronic copy of the original paper, you may print out a copy of the paper and use it if and only if the professor to whom the paper was submitted signs the certification form and writes “I remember that this is the paper submitted for the course” and writes the original grade.completed certification form
Portfolio Process Continued ▸ Can I turn a portfolio in early or late? ▸ Portfolios must be submitted on the due date only. The WPE office may allow you to turn in a portfolio early with written permission. You can get this permission by writing to the department address, ▸ Can I use two papers from one class? ▸ No, you can’t. You need to make an appointment with the director to get this permission. ▸ How do I make a tutoring appointment? ▸ Appointments are scheduled by telephone only. Tutoring is mostly available to students who have made at least two unsuccessful attempts at the WPE, although spots may open up.
Portfolio Process Continued ▸ My professor didn’t respond when I asked for a certification. ▸ Unfortunately, the WPE office can’t help you directly with this problem. Try visiting the professor in person during publicized office hours. If the professor no longer works at UMB, you can ask the department chair to sign the form. ▸ I’m a new transfer student who is doing a portfolio. Do I still need to submit 15 pages of supporting papers? ▸ If you have been at UMB for two semesters or less, you only need 10 pages of course papers rather than 15 pages.
Timed Exam Process ▸ How do I prepare for a timed exam? ▸ Read and annotate your copy of the reading set several times (you can bring your copy into the exam with you). Attend the workshop or view the video-recording of the workshop. Write yourself a practice question and practice writing an essay about the readings. Additional advice about preparing for a timed exam can be found on the WPE website and will be given during the scheduled workshop. preparing for a timed exam the WPE website ▸ Can I get tutoring for a timed exam? ▸ No. Tutoring is only offered to students who are preparing a portfolio.
WPE Grading Process ▸ English is not my first language/not my best subject. Will I be graded on spelling and grammar? ▸ No, the WPE is not a spelling/grammar exam. ▸ What am I being graded on then? ▸ The Elements of Proficiency are the criteria that faculty readers use to evaluate your proficiency in critical reading, thinking, and writing. The Elements are directly related to the particular aims of the General Education program (Gen. Ed.). The Gen. Ed. program is based on the premise that frequent consideration of complex problems helps you to develop the specific capabilities most often used in critical reading, writing, and thinking. The Elements of Proficiency
Elements of Writing Proficiency ▸ Am I expected to be an expert in all the Elements of Proficiency? ▸ You are not expected to have mastered all of the elements perfectly; rather, you are expected to “demonstrate intermediate proficiency in writing.” This means that your writing will not be graded as a “retake” merely because it contains a few spelling or punctuation errors. However, it is unlikely that you will pass the exam without demonstrating an intermediate mastery of the higher order thinking criteria outlined in the Elements of Writing Proficiency. Elements of Writing Proficiency ▸ Well, what are the elements? ▸ The elements are separated into three categories: 1) critical thinking, 2) critical reading, and 3)effective writing. Each of these categories is assigned a percentage weight in evaluating your essay. You can read more about the elements here.here
Important WPE Contacts ▸ Harry Makrinos, Director of Writing Assessment. ▸ Laurie Marks, Assistant Director of Writing Assessment. ▸ Department It is often best to try this address first before ing people ▸ Department location: CC 1 st floor, Room ▸ Department phone: