6/3/15 BR -1. Why can’t you just use cash for all of your transactions? 2. What is the difference between a checking and savings account? T ODAY : H OW D O I U SE A C HECKING A CCOUNT ? ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
What To Do? Read pp. 3 – 17 Complete Activities (5.2 I will give you!) Check In Questions (get it? See what I did there..) 1.What are the benefits of using checks or a checking account? - Make a note of the different items on a check 2.What is an “electronic check”? What are some things I will need to set one up? 3.What are 3 other payment options besides paying with a check? 4.Look at the chart on p. 13 – list 4 ways a debit card is different from a credit card.
What To Do? (part deux) 5.Focus on p Describe how a small purchase (say, $10 or so..) can end up costing you WAY more. 6.How are banker’s hours and business days different from other days of the week.
Ways to Pay? How many different ways can you shop for and pay for music? ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Preview Today we will answer these questions: Why should I pay with a check? How do I use a checking account? How do I keep track of how much money I have in my checking account? Use what you learn today to demonstrate how to use a checking account. ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Meet Jason and Brianna Jason – Senior Has a checking account and debit card Pursuing career in law enforcement Also considering joining the Coast Guard Brianna – Grade 9 Starting a new job soon Doesn’t have a bank account Gets most of income from the “bank of mom and dad” Likes to receive gift cards for gifts ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Demand Deposits Funds can be withdrawn on demand by a customer without advance notice to bank or credit union Bank teller (in person) ATM (automated teller machine) Online Phone Check Debit card ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
What’s on a Check? ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts and 50/100
Check Writing 101 ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Make the Deposit ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts XX / XX / 201X Your Name Your signature (when taking cash)
Endorsements Blank Endorsement Your signature Restrictive Endorsement For deposit only Your signature ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Jason’s Transactions ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts CodeDate Description of Transaction Payment (—) Deposit (+) Balance Mon Balance from previous page d/cMonPhone charger d/cMonPizza FeeMonNSF fee d/cMonFood FeeMonNSF fee ThurSchool fee FeeMonNSF fee
Keeping Track ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts CodeDate Description of Transaction Payment (—) Deposit (+) Balance DepMonCash deposit W/DMonChecks WedFine Foods – groceries WedWayne’s Book World d/cThurCash Auto w/d FriPhone bill DepSatPaycheck
Balance Zoe’s Bucks ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts TransDate*Description of TransactionPayment (—)Deposit (+)Balance DepTuesDeposit paycheck d/cTuesGas ($3.69 x 15 gallons) WedInsurance premium d/cSatMovie d/cSatTheatre food DepMon Babysitting fee ($15 x 4 hours) MonBook NSFThursInsufficient funds fee DepFri Paycheck ($7.50 x42 hrs-$27 tax)
Does it Match? ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts The Bank Statement Balance + Outstanding Deposits - Outstanding Payments and Withdrawals Does the result equal what you tracked in your register?
Hints to Find Math Errors Subtract to calculate the difference. –Does the difference match a transaction amount? »Look for a missing an entry for that same amount »Search for a duplicate entry for that amount –Is the difference twice a transaction amount? »Check for a deposit mistakenly labeled as withdrawal or vice versa –Is there a difference of 1, 10, 100, or 1,000? »Recheck work for an addition or subtraction error –Is the difference divisible by 9? »Look for a transposed number (i.e. $125 mistakenly entered as $152) ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Challenge 5-A Use a Checking Account ✓ Track checking account payments and deposits for two months. ✓ Reconcile the account at the end of each month to verify your calculations. ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts
Reflection What is your preferred method of payment? check debit card cash Why? ©2012 National Endowment for Financial Education | Lesson 5-1: Checking Accounts