STATUS OF MENTAL HEALTH IN BURUNDI By Ms. Joselyne MIBURO, Chief of Mental Health Department to the Ministry of Health
Contents I.Socio-political and economical Context in Burundi II.Politics and legistration in mental health III.Human resources IV.Where do people get mental health care? V.Perspectives VI.Challenges VII.Recommandations to PCAF
I. Socio-political and economical Context in Burundi War and socio-politic conflict since 1993 Poverty : 172 nd out of 179 countries) Diseases and other problems (HIV/AIDS, ALCOHOLISM and DRUGS) Increasing of the psychiatric and psychological problems Problems due to actual electoral context (refugees in and out of the country, different killings…. )
Statistics of mental desorders(2013) 2867 (epilepsy) 1727 (psychosis) 528 (Depression) 141 (disorders related to psychological consumption of alcohol and drugs 19 (trauma)
II. Politics and legistration in mental health No policy of mental health in Burundi No legistration in mental health in Burundi Strategic plan in mental health ( ) exist
III. Human resources One Psychiatrist for the hall burundian population; Two Male nurses Psychiatrics; Almost twenty doctors and fifty Male nurses partially trained(1-2 weeks) in mental health; A sufficient number of Clinical Psychologists but non affected in mental health sector;
IV. Where do people get mental health care? No public center specialized in mental health; Only one private Mental hospital exist; One Center of Therapy and Mental hygiene; Only one Psychiatric private office; 5 out of 45 public Hospitals have timidly integrated mental health in primary care since 2008; 30 locals and international NGOs work in psychosocial care at community’s level
V. Perspectives Promoting and integrating mental health care into primary care at all levels of MOH Setting up a national policy of mental health ( August, 2015) Implementing law which protect the victims mental illness Recently, a platform of stakeholders in mental health has been set up but still need to be supported Since 2013, a mental health department has been incorporated in national public health institute (3 y curricula)
VI. Challenges Lack of human and financial resources; New worrying socio-political situation for Burundian population Lack of partners in mental health sector
VII. Recommandations to PCAF Support the MOH in training and research in mental health in Burundi ; Due to more mental health needs in Burundi, PCAF (african level) has to show more interest
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