MTT – Test Framework Domain III Competency 009 Collaborate with Colleagues MTT Test Preparation Janice Butler UT – Brownsville MTT Practicum Lauren Payne Professor: Janice Butler
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring. As MTT we need to collaborate with our fellow teachers by facilitating the implementation of appropriate, research-based, technology-enhanced instruction. CollaborationMentoring Work together with the teachers to achieve outcomes for students Achieving something completely new, improving an existing feature ( could be improving lesson plans) and building on each others competences ( could be technology) Advise from a respected person to someone who needs help Categories: One to One and One to Group. Benefits: Access to information, encouragement, motivation,
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring To achieve Positive Change in the School Technology Plan, the MTT should: Understand when to act as a leader, the needed skills as a communicator, and/or facilitator and in formulating strategies. Examples: Leader: when conducting an In-service, training, and one on one explanations. Communicator: by providing information related to technology to increase teacher knowledge and enhance student learning. Facilitator: when skillfully helps fellow teachers to understand common objectives and plan to achieve them without personally taking any side of the argument. Formulating Strategies: when helping a fellow teacher on adapting their lesson plans to incorporate technology. Power Point
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring Should follow principles, guidelines and ethical standards regarding professional collaboration, including confidentiality. Examples: Take in count the teacher’s preference for a specific software and/or hardware to teach a lesson. Help the teacher to learn how to use that specific software and/or hardware without making him/her feel unskilled. Provide advice of some other programs and/or hardware that can be use to complement his/her proposed technology. Never imposed your own opinion, make suggestions.
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring Should collaborate to ensure ongoing communication related to technology-enhanced teaching and learning. Examples: As MTT allow other teachers to communicate with you by , phone calls, SMS etc, to provide advise related with the implementation of research-based technology. Make visits to the teachers to ensure they are utilizing the appropriate technology for their lessons, and make respectful suggestions when required.
Collaborates with fellow teachers to develop strategies for integrating technology-enhanced instruction and systems to monitor the effectiveness of the integration efforts. Examples: The MTT collaborates with the teacher in analyzing the lesson plan, hearing the suggestions of the teacher about applicable technology, and suggesting additional technology that could enhance the instruction. The MTT should establish mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of the integration, such as: oSmall Questionnaire to the students at the end of the lesson in reference to the use of technology. oWriting a small paragraph on how the technology used in the lesson helped them acquire and retain knowledge, etc. Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring
Collaborates with teachers with different skill, experience and/or philosophical approach related to technology integration. Examples: Not only we are going to face different skills and experience when talking about technology, we also are going to face “resistance”. The MTT needs to be understanding, and find the best way to approach a fellow teacher who does not support technology. Knowing the person before the approach is essential on planning the strategy to suggest technology integration. Understanding the level of skills allow the MTT to plan the in-services and training sessions.
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring Promotes: interest, inquiry, analysis, collaboration to help in the integration of evolving technologies in the classrooms. Examples: By providing teachers with continuous training on different software/hardware, the MTT promotes interest among the teacher community. The MTT is open to any question from any teacher regarding appropriate technology to use in a lesson, through out collaboration the MTT can help the teacher integrate evolving technologies into his/her lesson plans. The MTT establish a message system with the teachers where he/she can notify a specific teacher or department of a new technology available at campus that can be implemented in their lessons.
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring Collaborates in the evaluation, negotiation and establishment of priorities regarding technology in the school (s). Examples: The MTT is involved in the Campus Technology Plan to help in the teacher’s evaluation of needs. Keeps up with the new technology movement, to help the school by suggesting new technologies to acquired in order to increase technology-enhanced instruction.
Competency 09 Collaboration and Mentoring Selects and applies strategies to facilitate the growth of the learning community in technology-enhanced instruction. Examples: Plan and offer in-services and training courses to all teachers. Plan and offer one-to-one training when needed. Establish a follow up agenda to ensure teachers are utilizing the learned technology, and offer new and advance training. Keeps up with the new laws and regulations concerning technology in the District and State. Maintains the community advised of the new and improved technologies available that will help them to enhance student learning.
References Offman Gersh, Sheyla ( n.d.)Effective Mentoring Programs. Retrieved March from Wikipedia ( 2007) Collaboration and Mentoring. Retrieved March 30, 2007 from