Ostrich to Owl
Session Activities Discuss our e-responsibilities Consider realistic scenarios, likely outcomes and preventative measures Summarise findings using Web 2.0 collaborative workspace Draw on the expertise of JISC Legal
To Serve and Protect... “Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe...” Dr Tanya Byron (Safer children in a digital world: The report of the Byron Review) Organisations need to “keep safe” by being aware of and addressing responsibilities
Can we bury our heads? Technology is here and not going away Our learners use technology inside and outside of the classroom, on and off the job Educators use technology more than they think they do Current school leavers will not have known the world without the Internet – it is normal Technology can be exciting, varied, effective, motivational and risky
The Cephalonian Method A question or scenario is posed – in this case relating to meeting your e-safety duties Discuss and decide on your response, implications, examples Summarise your response at We will then compare responses to the “expert” guidance
Typewith.me An open source collaborative work space Document text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents in your Web browser.
JISC Legal Works to ensure that legal issues do not become a barrier to the adoption and use of new information and communications technologies JISC Legal safeguarding downloadable webcastwebcast Scenarios refer to colleges but are relevant to all education/training sectors
So where do we stand?
Where next? E-safety Policy checklist Safeguarding - Meeting your e-Safety Duties Webcast