WELCOME CLASS OF 2020 “20/20 Vision: Planning for Our Success”
School Priorities Safety (both physical & emotional) Learning Fun
Physical Safety “Students are expected to walk in an orderly fashion in the hall. Shoving, running, and disorderly conduct are not appropriate and will result in disciplinary action.” (Agenda, Page 10) Just as you learned in kindergarten – KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. Do not push, pull, or hit another student Do not grab/take other’s food, agenda, or personal belongings
Physical Safety They are called ACCIDENTS for a reason. When you are “goofing” around, there is a good chance of someone getting hurt. Please conduct yourself in a manner that will allow you and others to learn while being safe.
Emotional Safety “I was just joking/messing around.” “He/she knows I am just joking/messing around.”
I know better… Ms. McKean knows better… You know better.
Doing What is Right Character If you stop what you are “doing” when you see an adult… you know you were not conducting yourself properly. It is never okay to say something mean- spirited to another person. “Expect Respect” – Give Respect!
Always Remember Please conduct yourselves in a manner that will allow you and others to learn while being safe.
Some Quick Rules Refreshers How to Avoid a Discipline Referral: “If you should have a strong disagreement during a class, follow the teacher’s direction, but arrange to speak with him or her privately after class.” (page 10)
Some Quick Rules Refreshers Weapons Policy: Safe Harbor
Some Quick Rules Refreshers Clinic: If you are feeling ill, Nurse Rivera is here to help Her clinic is located outside of House A Sign your name in House C Only Ms. Rivera can give out medicine (you need a parent note) – this includes cough drops
Some Quick Rules Refreshers Dress Code: Review pages in the agenda: Cover shoulders, midriff, chest area, and underarms. Pants should cover underwear. Shorts and skirts decent length. Clothing that is skin-tight or low cut is not appropriate. Hats [and hoodies] may not be worn in the building. Sleepwear is not appropriate. What is appropriate in a school setting.
Some Quick Rules Refreshers Cafeteria: Volume Please put name on lunch container Inviting others from class to sit with you Raise hands to get out of seat Keep hands to yourself Keep area as clean as you found it There is nothing “funny” about hiding, grabbing, or taking someone else’s food Mornings in Auxiliary Gym: Each morning from 8:15 – 8:30, please enter the gym and sit down on the floor (it is clean) until you are dismissed
Some Quick Rules Refreshers Hallways Volume, walking on right side, going where agenda says you are going Buses School & bus rules apply Notes From Parents Give note to Ms. Ridings in the morning – pick up pass on her door later in the day Gum Not allowed Cell Phones Keep off in locker while in school – you or your parent should not be texting during the day
What Happens If I Get in Trouble? Phone Call to Parents Conference with Teachers and/or Parents Lunch Detention After School Detention In-School Suspension Out of School Suspension Expulsion
What Do I Do If I’m Having Problems? Students who are having trouble with a class, a teacher, another student, or anything else should talk to: Counselor – Ms. McKean Dean – Mr. Fritz Another Teacher/Faculty Member Our job is to make sure all students feel comfortable about coming to school. We want you to learn as much as possible! If you need help, PLEASE ASK!
TO LEARN Why are we here?
It may not seem like much, but the lesson you will learn will provide you with confidence, success, and happiness if you are willing to accept it. Ultimately, the choice is yours! My Gift To You
GO MUSTANGS! “20/20 Vision: Planning for Our Success”