The Standard Thomas College E-Portfolio
Sample artifacts selected by the student as representative of the core competency Critical and Analytical Thinking
Students should be able to give examples of their writing to exhibit how they can effectively create these various documents. My e-portfolio does this for me and will help me to succeed in the business world. The e-portfolio does so much more than words can do and when communications is a key in business, I want to be able to confirm that I am the right person for any job that I submit an application for. (Krista, communications) The reason I chose these documents is because to me these experiences and opportunities have formed the person that I am today and they show that I am a leader and I will work hard to be as involved as possible, because the only way to learn is to go above and beyond what is offered to you. (Nikki, Leadership) Reflection
CRITERIAExemplaryProficientPartially ProficientIncompleteScore Content The E-Portfolio provides a comprehensive overview that documents a student’s work and reflection in all core competencies. The E-Portfolio provides a comprehensive overview that documents a student’s work and reflection in all core competency areas. Multiple examples from the range of a student’s co- curricular and academic experience (major and general education) are present. The E-Portfolio provides a generally effective overview of a student’s experience and reflection in most core competency areas. Sufficient examples are provided to demonstrate a range of the student’s experience. The E-Portfolio provides some information about a student’s work and reflection in the core areas, though some areas lack sufficient examples to demonstrate the range of a student’s experience. The E-Portfolio is incomplete or lacks sufficient documentation or reflection in one or more core competency areas. Examples are insufficient to demonstrate student competency in one or more areas. THOMAS COLLEGE E-PORTFOLIOS HOLISTIC RUBRIC FOR ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS