Competency 3: Produces text for personal and social reasons Mr. Wilson
In terms of style??? Makes the idea interesting Get the information right! Keep the writing FRESH.
You need to be able to recognize: News Article Editorial Letters to the Editor Feature Article Then you will have to… Deal with CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Demonstrate “Bias” or “Spin” in an article.
Foundation: News Article Editorial Proficiency: Feature Article Analysis / Comment Opinion Column
Reports on Events and Issues Is timely and has a short “Shelf-Life” Answers the “5 W’s” Who What When Where hoW Structured as an inverted pyramid!
Comments on topical, timely event or issue. Takes a stance. Aims to convince people to act or think a certain way. Is structured with an introduction, development and directive.
Explores in more depth an event, issue or personality. Aims to amuse, provoke thought, inform or challenge. Has a clear beginning, middle and an ending. Circular = like the image of a necklace. Shows flair in the writing!
Discusses and interprets an event, issue or a personality. Takes a stance. Aims to provoke though, inform, challenge. Is structured with a clear beginning, middle and an ending.
How is this different from an Editorial? According to Reuter’s: An ANALYSIS stems from the writer’s authority and expertise in the subject area, but is not a vehicle for personal view (see Opinion Column). An ANALYSIS should pursue an angle or a line of argument based on facts and data. Adapted from Reuter’s Handbook for Journalism
Takes a stance. Allows the writer to be part of the article. Aims to influence the reader through logic, wit and/or humour. Is structured with a clear beginning, middle and an ending. Requires a strong writer’s voice, with lots of flair and personality.
In Secondary V, students should: Select topics of political interest. Address unfamiliar and familiar audiences. Manipulate codes and conventions for deliberate effect. Assume a range of stances. Consolidate revision and editing techniques. Adapted from the Scales of Competency Levels Secondary School Education Cycle Two
The Student: Uses specific characteristics of a target audience to craft a production. Uses suitable codes and conventions of the form. Compares the impact of various forms of text. Respects the language conventions to develop a quality production. Consults a variety of sources to support production and revision. Revises productions to better communicate a message.
Activity Collect an example an each of the 5 types of articles we just discussed in the newspaper. For each article – summarize the main idea and which points in the text make it a News Article, Editorial, Feature Article, Analysis / Comment, or an Opinion Column. Play particular attention to the structure!