Building a Weather Station for a Near-Space Payload AEM 1905: Spaceflight with Ballooning University of Minnesota
Weather Station kit and instructions
Parts in Weather Station kit
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Wires for sensor cabling (colors vary)
Pressure sensor
Relative humidity sensor
Temperature sensor
Capacitor (unpolarized)
Resistor (unpolarized)
Easy-Plug IO adapter board for cable to flight computer
Right angle header for cable
Solder resistor in place; snip all excess leads
Solder the capacitor in place
Insert relative humidity sensor, making sure that the open part faces capacitor
Avoid solder bridges on closely-spaced pins of the relative humidity sensor
Insert the temp sensor, watching polarity
Insert pressure sensor, right way around
Cut red, green, and 3 more (colors vary). Strip both ends of each wire ¼ inch.
Twist exposed ends of wires then tin them
Insert one wire through large hole then bend it over and solder – for strain relief
Repeat with other wires – use green/black for ground (GND) and red for +5 volts
Slide on shrink-wrap before proceeding. Use blue shrink-wrap provided at table.
Make 5-wire cable, using strain relief. Red +5 volts, green GND, 3 signal wires.
Finish cable by adding the 1 x 5 right angle header. Be quick – don’t melt it!
Completed Weather Station (with earlier cable termination style); ready for testing)