PAST AND PRESENT Building Futures Mentoring Program founded in San Francisco in 1992 Conceptualized that trained volunteers could be effective working in a therapeutic relationship Utilizes a volunteer work force Employs trained therapist as program coordinator Currently serving children in six states (Arizona, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, and Tennessee) Served over 1,500 children last year Expanding to be in 38 states by the end of Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
WHAT IS THERAPEUTIC MENTORING? Therapeutic Mentoring: Utilizing a curriculum drawing on core principles of family, child and adolescent therapy, adult volunteers are trained to assume clear therapeutic roles with youth in order to move youth from risk to resiliency. 3| Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
THERAPEUTIC MENTORING EVIDENCE-BASED MENTORING PRACTICES Mental Health Professionals or Master level counselors and social workers are responsible for recruiting, screening, training, supporting and monitoring volunteer mentors A highly intensive protocol for matching mentors with youth based on similar interests and temperaments A comprehensive 5 week 15-hour mentor training curriculum incorporating principles of family, child & adolescent therapy 4| Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
THERAPEUTIC MENTORING EVIDENCE-BASED MENTORING PRACTICES Tracking progress of personalized growth plans for youth and families Ongoing clinical support for mentors Supporting mentee/mentor engagement by organizing meaningful activities including educational outings, community service events, and mentee to work days Check-in monthly with parent(s) and youth to monitor match progress and adherence to program policy 5|Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
BUILDING FUTURES FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM Clinical Case Management In-home support Family growth plans Monthly parent education and support groups Group interaction activities Nutrition and Healthy Living Options 6|Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
OUTCOMES 7| Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco 1)Improved youth connectedness to families and schools 2) Increased youth connectedness to community and employment opportunities 3) Increased opportunities for non-familial adults to develop healthy relationships with community youth. 4) Decreased feelings of social isolation of parents 5) Increased awareness of community resources and parenting techniques
BUILDING FUTURES MENTOR TRAINING By the end of five weeks, mentors will: Understand a Therapeutic Mentoring Relationship Develop Effective Communication Skills Understand Theories of Change Understand How Certain Issues Impact Youth Become More Culturally Competent 8 |Therapeutic Mentoring| YMCA of San Francisco
THANK YOU Jennifer Kriebl, MSW Wesley “Chip” Rich, MS, MFT YMCA OF San Francisco /urban