Disability Rights Promotion International Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Monitoring the Human Rights of People with Disabilities.


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Presentation transcript:

Disability Rights Promotion International Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Monitoring the Human Rights of People with Disabilities in Canada Theme 1 Monitoring Individual Experiences. Data collection on the Québec Site Normand Boucher, Ph.D. Disability Rights Promotion International - Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Objectives of the Presentation Presentation of the team members and the local organisation and coordinator; Data collection exercice; And a brief description of socio-demographic profile of participants

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Local Partner Organization Regroupement des organisations de personnes handicapées région 03 (ROP 03); An umbrella organisation on the regional level representing over 24 local grass root organizations including all kinds of disabilities except mental health groups

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Team Members Local Coordinator Olivier Collomb D’Eyrasme, director of ROP-03 Four Monitors Raynald Pelletier; Rachel Fillion; Réal Guérette; Mirlande Demers.

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project The Québec City territory and suburbs Most important Areas of Data Collection

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project The training Seminar Of November in Toronto Some comments from the monitors Monitors have appreciated their experience, in particular the first day with the speakers and historical perspective; Geoffrey Reaume conference on Madness; Exchanges with other participants; The seminar was very intensive sometime too much for all of them; More time to practice the interview

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Data collection First interviews have been made in early December for both monitors duo January 20th until April 20th Overall, 45 Interviews have been completed

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Data collection (2) Provided to monitors all documents usefull for the Interviews such as a list of resources, consent forms, coding sheets, note Interviews, etc. Review the instructions step by step with monitors

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Data collection (3) Key factors The role of the local coordinator is important; Team meetings provide also a good support to monitors (information, sharing experience, and questions, etc.); Use of snow ball technique is good but asked more times to monitor

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Data Collection (4) Some obstacles to overcome Transportation Climatic conditions Recruitment of participants

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Unsual Winter Climatic Conditions

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Socio-demographic profile of interviewees (n=32) SEX Male: 18 Female : 14 Type of Disabilities Mobility : 22 Visual : 4 Hearing : 3 Intellectual : 0 Psychiatric : 1 Others : 2 Age group : : : : : 0 Schooling Primary/secondary :18 Postsecondary : 14

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Sociodemographic profile of Interviewees (32) 2 Live with Whom? Single : 19 Partners* : 10 Parents: 2 Others: 1 Housing Owner : 10 Tenant : 22 * Regarding Partners, 4 of them live with their children too

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Sociodemographic profile of interviewees (n=32) Socio economic status Unemployment :13 Employment : 9 Retired : 8 Others : 2

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Sociodemographic profile of interviewees (n=32) How long have you had your disabilities? Since birth : 10 1 to 10 years : 7 11 to 25 years : to 45 years : 4 46 and over : 1

Disability Rights Promotion International- Canada Monitoring Disability Rights in Canada SSHRC funded project Conclusions A very good experience for the monitors; Do some practical changes in the materials; The support of the local coordinator and researcher