Challenges to freedom of expression The right to freedom of expression is a “foundation right” in society. Defined in Universal Declaration of Human Rights It protects the right to: -Express ourselves in words, music etc. -Receive and exchange ideas and information -Operates “regardless of frontiers”
Why is it important Essential to our humanity to express ourselves Enables us to better protect other rights and freedoms Provides the basis of democracy by allowing the exchange of ideas and opinions Enables human development
What does it need? To express ourselves we need means of communication - One to one conversation - To meet as groups in association - One speaking to many Otherwise the right is meaningless All of these operate in different ways and by different rules
What limits free expression? Geographical and linguistic boundaries Create a global, accessible communications network carrying all kinds of content available through different devices Technical limits An environment where 1 to1, group conversations and 1 to many communication happen side by side Censorship, direct and indirect Traditional “gatekeepers” and bottlenecks - government, corporations, “mediators” -undermined Commercial factors Do networked digital communications affect these limits? }
It depends who controls the new environment. Actors and institutions can exercise influence at a vast number of places in the environment… The Physical layer – the physical infrastructure that makes communications possible. Connectivity & code layer – the ‘language’ or protocols of the communication. The Application layer – tools to navigate content. The content layer – the subject matter of the communication A communication democracy?
The issues How networked communications –Expands the way we get information and debate issues –Increases our ability to act –Offers the possibility of changing politics and empowering people –Increases the opportunities to share and develop human creativity
The result We strengthen and enhance freedom of expression –We increase the capacity of humanity to realise its own potential –We strengthen democracy and democratic participation –We will have new opportunities for sustainable development
Unless Governments control networked communications for their own ends Traditional media companies take over the environment Private companies use it exclusively for commercial ends The technology is turned against us
The questions? Can networked communications help overcome the limitations of monopolisation and censorship in Africa Can it help build a democratic politics, a more equal society and a vibrant culture Can we have a global communication environment that is under “public” control, rather than government or business