D RUMMOND W OODSUM & M AC M AHON SEXUAL HARASSMENT Copyright 2006 Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon. All rights expressly reserved.
What’s The Point of Sexual Harassment Training Anyway? Required by law 26 M.R.S.A. § 807(3) requires education and training Best Defense A good idea
Why is sexual harassment illegal???
Sexual Harassment The Legal Definition Explicit or implicitly a term or condition of employment Submission or rejection affects employment decisions Interferes with work or causes intimidating hostile or offensive environment Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Let ’ s break that down
Elements of Sexual Harassment Conduct Sexual in nature Unwelcome to the recipient Affects work
Element #1 CONDUCT Touching? Gestures? Language? s? Posters? Thoughts?
So basically... Conduct is: anything that can be perceived
Element #2 SEXUAL IN NATURE Context Subjective vs. objective What about profanity?
Element #3 UNWELCOME TO RECIPIENT After all, we’re talking about harassment
But that ’ s not as simple as it sounds...
What is unwelcome? Subjective vs. objective
Who is a “ recipient ” ?
Who Can Be a Harasser? Male/Female Female/Male Same Sex
Who Can Be a Harasser? Supervisors Co-workers What about non-employees?
Non-employees Contractors Vendors Others
Two Kinds of Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo – Something for Something Hostile Environment – Conduct that is severe and pervasive
Where Can Harassment Occur? In the workplace Off premises at District sponsored events Off premises at non-sponsored events
RETALIATION Retaliation is illegal Retaliation may give rise to personal liability Any adverse action may constitute retaliation
If you feel you have been harassed… Follow District policy Report your concerns to your supervisor, or to any of the people listed in the policy Call the Maine Human Rights Commission What can you do?
What happens if you make a complaint? Investigation Confidentiality issues
What are your obligations as an employee? 1. Do not engage in inappropriate behavior 2.If you know of possible harassment, report it 3.Maintain confidentiality 4.Do not retaliate