Themes for today: Tolerance and intolerance Conflict and collaboration
Late 7th/early 8th c. Muslim conquest of North Africa Berbers Muslim conquest of Iberia Visigoths Map Link: The Muslim Conquests: < muslimconquestsmap.gifmuslimconquestsmap.gif>
Umayyad state at Cordoba 929 ‘Abd al-Rahman III (r ) takes title of caliph Map Link: Spain, : < shepherd-c jpgshepherd-c jpg>
1085 Christians take Toledo al-murabitun (Almoravids) c c Almoravid Empire c Caliphate of al-muwahhidun (the Almohads) 1212 Christian Victory at Las Navas de Tolosa
1228 Nasrids establish selves at Granada Marinids (r ) of Morocco Alhambra Palace (bt ) al-hamra’ = “the red” Palace of the Lions (bt )
1469 Marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon ( ) and Isabella of Castile ( ) 1479 Ferdinand and Isabella become king and queen of united Aragon-Castile 1492 Abu ‘Abd Allah (Boabdil) surrenders Granada
mudejars (mudajjan = “permitted to remain” /“put to use”) The Alcazar, built by King Pedro the Cruel of Castile (r ) in Creation of Spanish Inquisition
Conversos (Jewish converts to Christianity) 1492 Expulsion of Jews from Iberia Moriscos (Muslim converts to Christianity) Morisco rebellion in Iberia Expulsion of Moriscos from Iberia
15th-16th c. Portuguese and Spanish try to take control of N. African coast Pirates employed by Muslim rulers = corsairs Late 16th c. Ottomans take control of most of N. African coast, employing corsairs 16th-18th c. Corsairs pose ongoing threat to European shipping Christian renegades – prospects for advancement
Potential importance of religion… …when people choose to make it so…