Workshop on making the system work Activities, Section Methods and Progressive Scheme
- To know how to adapt the elements of the Scout Method to the characteristics of each age section - To understand the concept of activity as a flow of experiences - To identify different kinds of activities and how they are related with the educational objectives - To identify the characteristics of an educational activity - To understand the concept of progression based on educational objectives Objectives:
3. Methods Progressive Scheme Section Methods Activities 1.Setting Goals Final Educational Objectives Areas of Personal Growth Educational Proposal 2. Organising Age Sections Section Educational Objectives Renewed Approach to Programme
Definition An activity is a flow of experiences which offer a young person the possibility to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes corresponding to one or more educational objectives Tool box 007
Educational objective Activity Experience Activities
Scouting offers young people objectives to achieve This enables: * to develop all the dimensions of the personality * to serve as a basis on which to assess their personal growth * to establish a framework by which each young person can achieve that purpose in accordance with their age and individual character
We carry out activities to reach our objectives The educational objectives are achieved through everything the young people do within Scouting and outside it The young people are the main players in the activities.
Educational objective Activity Experience Activities
Activities as a flow of experiences The young people learn through the experiences they gain from the activities ACTIVITY * what is happening externally the action which involves everyone. * a tool which generates different situations. EXPERIENCE * it happens within each person. * it is what each person gets from the action
The experience is a personal relationship between each young person and reality. As leaders we cannot affect, manipulate or foresee it with any degree of certainty. But we can influence the activities, to try to make them generate or facilitate experiences. Experiences are personal
Activities and Objectives Carrying out an activity does not automatically lead to the achievement of the desired objective The activities help to achieve the educational objectives CUMULATIVELYSEQUENTIALLYGRADUALLY
Fixed Usually take a single form and generally relate to the same subject. Activities can be Variable Take many different forms and refer to very different subjects, depending on the young people´s interests.
Fixed and Variable Fixed ActivitiesVariable Activities Need to be carried out continually to create the right atmosphere for the Scout Method. Are not repeated, unless the young people particularly want to and then only after a certain length of time. Contribute in a general way to achieving the educational objectives Contribute to achieving one or more clearly specified educational objectives.
The extremes Can make for a “closed” Unit, which is self- centred. Runs the risk of de-characterizing, the Scout Unit. A PROGRAMME WITH TOO MANY FIXED ACTIVITIES A PROGRAMME WITH TOO MANY VARIABLE ACTIVITIES Affects the overall educational atmosphere. Can affect the young people´s harmonious development. May make the programme becoming obsolete. May turn the programme into activity for its own sake.
Some fixed activities Camps and outings Patrol meetings Games and play Unit meetings
Challenging Useful Rewarding Attractive Variable activities should be
Manual techniques and skills Knowledge and protection of nature Human rights and democracy Education for peace and development Sport Different kinds of arts Community service Family life Intercultural understanding Variable activities can involve