A National Perspective on K-12 Online Learning Matthew Wicks iNACOL Vice President Strategy and Organizational Development
International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) iNACOL is the leading, international, non-profit association in K-12 online learning. Based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (Vienna, VA) members in K-12 districts, states, universities, researchers & online learning providers Provides leadership, advocacy, research, training and networking with experts in K-12 online learning. “Ensure every student has access to the best education available regardless of geography, income or background.” Conference - Virtual School Symposium (VSS) in Indianapolis (November 9-11, 2011)
Comprehensiveness of Program Full-time Online School Supplemental Online Program Blended Learning
Full-Time Online School Full-time online schools, also called cyberschools, work with students who are enrolled primarily (often only) in the online school. Cyberschools are typically responsible for their students' scores on state assessments required by No Child Left Behind. In some states most full-time online schools are charter schools. Keeping Pace 2010, page 13.
Supplemental Online Program Supplemental online programs provide a small number of courses to students who are enrolled in a school separate from the online program. Keeping Pace 2010, page 13.
Providing Opportunities to All Students Need to work and/or support family Credit Recovery Aspiring athletes and performers Medically Fragile Home Schoolers Accelerated Students Traditional Public/Private Special Education and ELL Rural Students
District online programs Level of activity not well known but varies by state Often involves: Creating online options for the first time Moving from one student segment to broader student populations Blended or hybrid instead of fully online Credit recovery appears to be a leading driver
District online learning progression Small % of districts offering comprehensive online options—likely no more than 10%— but number is increasing fast Decision-makers are often school-based but moving towards district-wide decisions Key factors are cost, competition, and addressing gaps in opportunities
Disrupting Class (2008) Applies the theory of disruptive innovation to education Predicts that in 2019, 50% of high school courses will be delivered online
Definition of blended learning Any time a student learns in part in a supervised brick-and- mortar place away from home At least in part through online delivery, with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace and = Blended learning Copyright Innosight Institute, Inc.
6 models of blended learning
Online Learning Traditional Classroom Personalized Learning Competency Based
What Is Competency-Based?
Carnegie Unit Implicit assumption that time equates to value Flexibility in awarding credit acknowledges not everyone learns at the same rate Competency-based systems, go beyond just creating flexibility in awarding credit
Competency-Based Pathways Design Principles 1.Students Advance Upon Mastery 2.Explicit and Measurable Learning Objectives That Empower Students 3.Assessment is Meaningful and a Positive Learning Experience for Students
Do All Students Have Access to the Highest Quality Education? “Advanced Diploma” Courses Additional Course Offerings –Advanced Placement, IB or Dual Enrollment/Credit Courses –Math & Science Courses –Foreign Languages Remediation and Supplemental Resources Excellent teachers/Highly Qualified Teachers Multimedia/Technology Tools to Enhance Instruction
What Does Opportunity Look Like? Students have the option to choose a variety of high quality options: –Blended Learning –Supplemental Online Courses –Full-time Online Programs
Key Policy Issues Funding Quality Access
Thank you! Matthew Wicks