Copyright Darby Dickerson. Permission given to use for educational purposes. ALWD Brush-up for Editors
Preliminaries Be sure to include a complete biography for each author in the galley sent to The Three. Be sure to attach the editor’s checklist, which includes the names of each associate who participated in the cite and source. Be sure to include a cover memo that identifies problem areas or questions you still have.
Style Points Capitalize “Author” and “Authors” when referring to the person(s) who wrote the piece we are publishing. Capitalize “Article” when referring to the piece we are publishing. Convert words such as “piece,” “paper,” and “work” to “Article” when referring to the piece we are publishing. We capitalize Web, Web site (two words), and Internet.
More Style Points Passive voice The opinion was issued by the clerk. Nominalizations The court made a decision about the sentence. Typically change “as to” to “about.” Typically change “prior to” to “before.” Remember to use a title and full name when a person is mentioned for the first time.
New ALWD Rules The third edition of the ALWD Manual contains new, specific rules on Capitalization of prepositions and titles in French, German, and Spanish. Guidance on citing to both a page number and a footnote or endnote number. Expanded coverage of basic international, foreign, and intergovernmental sources. Many clarifications and explanations.
Rule 1 – Typeface Please be sure to review the galley carefully before sending it to The Three. Pay particular attention to missing italics. Signals Id. Supra/infra
Rule 2.3 – Case Names Spell out all words in a case name that appear in a textual sentence, except the eight words listed in Rule 2.3: In National Construction Co. v. Jones-Martin, Inc.,.... Rule 2.3 now permits the abbreviation of U.S. in case citations that appear in the text of the sentence.
Rule 5 – Pinpoints Include pinpoint page numbers and sections whenever possible. If the C&Sers do not add them, you either need to return the work to them or add them yourself -- or assign as office hours work.
Rule 6 – Sections & Paragraphs Provides guidance when citing both a page number and a section and/or paragraph number.
Rule 7 – Notes Provides guidance on how to cite to both the page number and footnote or endnote numbers. Contains a new rule regarding how to cite to footnotes/endnotes when using Id. Harold J. Berman, The Historical Foundations of Law, 54 Emory L.J. 13, 16 nn. 2–5 (2005.) Id. at 16 n. 4.
Rule 8 – Supplements Provides guidance on how to cite to material that appears in multiple supplements. For example: Citing multiple supplements, different years: 17 U.S.C. § 512 (Supps. IV 1999 & V 2000). Citing multiple supplements, same year: 17 U.S.C. § 512(d)(1)–(3) (Supps. IV & V 1994).
Rule 11 – Short Citations Clarification of the use of the term “at” in short citations. Use “at” before the pinpoint page, section, paragraph, or other division. Id. at 564. Id. at § Id. at ¶ 8. Id. at tbl. 2.5.
Rule 12 – Cases Provides guidance for citing bankruptcy cases. New subsections added to Rule 12.2: Rule 12.2(r): how to cite to a case or group of cases that has become well known by a popular name. Rule 12.2(s): how to cite cases with multiple decisions Rule 12.4 has been rewritten to provide further clarification.
Rules 14 – Statutes In order to reflect common practice by practicing attorneys, if the citation of a statute includes the statute title, the title should appear in ordinary type. Sidebar 14.2 now indicates that the abbreviation U.S.C. may be used when referring to a statute in a textual sentence
Rule 19 – Federal Regulations and Patents Rule 19.1(d) provides guidance on how to cite to C.F.R. sections that appear in electronic databases. New rule – – shows how to cite to patents.
Rule 21 – International Sources Expanded rule that includes fundamental information about citing to basic international, foreign, and intergovernmental sources.
Rule 22 – Books and Treatises Subsections added to the rule to show the following: Rule 22.1(i)(4): how to cite to more than one publisher. Rule 22.1(n): how to cite to the Koran and the Talmud. Rule 22.1(o): how to cite to books in a foreign language.
Rule 23 – Periodicals Provides further guidance about the placement of the comma when the article title ends with quotation marks. After the complete title, typically insert a comma and one space, and the comma is not italicized. For example: Neil Gotanda, A Critique of “Our Constitution Is Color-Blind”, 44 Stan. L. Rev. 1 (1991). New sections have been added to show the following: Rule 23.1(j): how to cite to a letter to the editor. Rule 23.1(k): how to cite to a cartoon or comic strip. Rule 23.1(l): how to cite to an advertisement.
Rule 37 – Working Papers Rule 37.3 has been added to show how to cite working papers, including material that appears on SSRN.
Rule 40 – Blogs Rule 40.3 has been added to show how to cite to weblogs.
Rule 44 – Explanatory Parentheticals Clarification added to Rules 44.4 and 46.1 to explain that explanatory parentheticals should be used to assist the reader, not to be included any time that a signal is used.
Rule 46 – Order of Authorities Foreign, international, and intergovernmental organization sources have been added to the specific order of authorities in Rule Rule 45.4(c)(9) clarifies where electronic sources should be inserted.
Rule 48 – Footnotes with Block Quotations Rule 48.3 has been added to explain how to add a note reference number within a block quote, by enclosing the superscripted number in brackets.
Appendices All appendices are included in the third edition, instead of some of the appendices being located in the book and others on the Web site. Added country and regional abbreviations to Appendix 3.