by Dr. Adrienne Hicks
Cardiology Pulmonology Renal Gastrointestinal Endocrine Reproductive Neurology Musculoskeletal Psychiatry Pediatrics Surgery Emergency Hematology Oncology Biochemistry Genetics Microbiology Immunology
Anatomy of Kidney Hydrostatic/ Oncotic Pressure GFR, RPF, FF, RBF equations Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Nephritic Syndromes Nephrotic Syndromes Kidney Stones Goldblatt’s Kidney Renal Cell Carcinoma Polycystic Kidney Disease Medullary Kidney Disease Diuretics
The rate fluid passes through the afferent arterioles and filters through the glomerulus of the kidney Substances used to measure GFR: Inulin, BUN GFR = Urine concentration x Urine flow rate Plasma concentration
The amount of plasma secreted through the efferent arterioles over time Substances used to measure RPF: PAH, Creatinine RPF = Urine concentration x Urine flow Plasma concentration
The proportion of fluid that is actually filtered through the kidney into its tubule system Approximately 20% of body fluid FF = Glomerular Filtration Rate Renal Blow Flow
The amount of blood that travels to the kidney over time Approximately 20% of Cardiac Output RBF = Renal Plasma Flow 1-Hematocrit