Take a Moment… Think about the Past Year
Can you answer “yes” to the following questions? Have you challenged yourself when you had a stereotypical thought about a person or group? Have you thought about the power of your words before you spoke? Have you stopped complaining about your body and begin to love your body image? Have you stepped outside of your “comfort zone?” Have you stopped labeling individuals who aren’t the same as you? Have you attempted to understand more people?
The Power of Words " In the beginning was the word...." Words are power, words are thoughts given form, words, words, words, be they positive or negative effect this world. Words shape our personal power, as the words we use are part of us. So, let's choose our words carefully, as they have the power for creation or destruction. If we use words like swords, to harm ourselves or others, we will become victims of adverse situations. If we use words to focus on the good in ourselves and others, then words can create a prosperous and happy life. Remember... what goes around, comes around, what we say, comes right back, so let's take responsibility for what we say, O.K.! (C) 1995 Bridget Cameron
how to love yourself 1. STOP ALL CRITICISMS Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positives. 2. DON'T SCARE YOURSELF Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure and immediately switch your scary thoughts to a pleasure thought. 3. BE GENTLE AND KIND AND PATIENT Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. 4. BE KIND TO YOUR MIND Self hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts. 5. PRAISE YOURSELF Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. 6. SUPPORT YOURSELF Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it. 7. BE LOVING TO YOUR NEGATIVES Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new positive ways to fulfill those needs. 8. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY Learn about nutrition. Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in. 9. MIRROR WORK Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. At least once a day say: "I love you - I really love you!" 10. DO IT NOW Don't wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin now - do the best you can. Source:
What size is your Comfort Zone? The circles represent the comfort areas that a person can have around them. Where the circles are closer means it is easier for the person to step out of their comfort zone. While the circles that are further apart, means it is harder for the person to step out of their comfort zone. The circle that is closest to the person is thicker representing the difficulty of stepping away from this familiar zone. But once the person steps out of the first comfort zone, the circles get thinner representing how easier it is to step out of one into another. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be difficult for people. It can be harder or easier in different areas of your life.
Harvey Milk First openly gay official elected in the US An inspirational leader who was assassinated for being gay Frederick Douglass Most influential figure in African American History One of many leaders of the abolitionist movement Served as an adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War
Stephen Hawking He has devoted much of his life to probing the space. And he’s done most of this work while confined to a wheelchair, brought on by the progressive neurological disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." Neale Donald Walsch "It's not about how we can help black, migrant and refugee women, but how we can help ourselves by becoming more diverse." Marjan Sax "If we are to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better." Lyndon Baynes Johnson