Jennifer Owings Dewey Introduction Poison Dart Frogs There are over a hundred poison dart frogs living in Central and South America. The come in many different sizes and colors. Their poison protects them from enemies. In your quest please enjoy Jennifer Owings Dewey books about nature and in particular frogs.
Your Task 1.List necessary foods to maintain a diet for a poison dart frog. 2.Create a list of items to make a habitat for a poison dart frog. 3.What other essential things will be used to care for a poison dart frog.
Information Sources Books by Jennifer Owings Dewey Paisano The Roadrunner Wildlife Rescue Finding Your Way Once I Knew A Spider Rattlesnake Dance >> Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobatidae) Care Poison Frogs Poison Dart Frog Care Sheet Poison dart frog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Process With A Partner After reading Poison Dart Frogs, read another book by Jennifer Owings Dewey. Write a paragraph, at least five sentences, comparing or contrasting the two books by the same author. Search the website provided to create your, habitat, diet and other essential items. Find at least one other book about poison dart frogs, online or at the library. Present findings to class
Evaluation Standards Little Cooperation 10% - 80% Some Cooperation 80% -90% Cooperative Effort 90% - 100% Working Together No Attempt too Minimal to Moderate Full Completion Of Reading No Attempt To read Read Just One Read Assignment Plus Creating Habitat List Incomplete Or No List Adequate List Adequate Plus List Completion Of Other List Incomplete Or No List Adequate List Adequate Plus List Class Presentation No Attempt Partial Attempt Presentation shared
Conclusion Congratulations! After reading two books by Jennifer Qwings Dewey, searching several web sites, creating lists and writing a paragraph, your interest in animals that are not common to you may create a need for further research. Good! Please consider reading another book by author Dewey or find another author with books about nature. Remember to read for pleasure, for knowledge, and to experience life.