Catalan: cruá-cruá Chinese (Mandarin): guo guo Dutch: kwak kwak English (USA): ribbit English (GB): croak Finnish: kvak kvak French: coa-coa German: quaak, quaak Hebrew: kwa kwa Hungarian: bre-ke-ke Arabic (Algeria): gar gar Italian: cra cra Japanese: kerokero Korean: gae-gool-gae-gool Russian: kva-kva Spanish (Spain): cruá-cruá Spanish (Argentina): berp Spanish (Peru): croac, croac Swedish: kvack Thai: ob ob (with high tone) Turkish: vrak vrak Ukrainian: kwa-kwa FROG
Hourglass leaf folding frog
Mutant Frog
Poison Dart Frog and Pacific Green Frog
Gastric Brooding Frog Babies inside mouth
Surin Toads
Alternate Assignment Your job is to fill in the missing information from the following slides You can use pictures and text Feel free to include at the end and other interesting information on frogs.
Differences ToadsFrogs
Threats to Frogs
Invasive Species
Smallest Frog
Largest Frog
Poisonous Frogs
Pacific Northwest Frogs
Frogs in Research
Frog Rights
How frog s are acquired for classroom dissection