What is the relationship between climate and the types of vegetation throughout the world?
What are the major patterns of vegetation found on Earth?
Are similar vegetation patterns found in different parts of the world?
What animals are associated with the different vegetation patterns?
What type of adaptations are selected for in different biomes?
Do climates change over time?
What influences the climate of a particular region?
1. Altitude - altitude, temperature 2. Latitude – sun’s radiation is less direct as you move N or S from equator Proximity to large body of water (moderates temperature) Proximity to mountains Albedo ( albedo = reflection = temperature Humidity
Temperature and Precipitation Patterns Humidity: Amount of water vapour in air (reported as % water that air can hold at a specific temperature). Humidity as temperature Humidex = combines temperature and precipitation to give an indication of what the air “feels like” to people
Temperature and Precipitation Patterns When air cools, thermal energy is removed from water vapor in the air, changes from gas to liquid (H vap ) The temperature when water vapor in air condenses is called DEW POINT.
Precipitation Rain (mm), snow (cm) 1 cm snow = 10 mm rain
Biomes Major geographic regions with similar environmental conditions Examples????
Taiga (boreal), desert, tropical rainforest, grasslands, fresh water, oceans, temperate deciduous, tundra…..
Ecosystem A community of living organisms that interact with each other and with the non- living (abiotic), physical environment. Examples?
Habitat Where an animal or plant lives (home) Examples?
Match animal to its habitat
Adaptations 3 types 1) physiological – occurs inside organism Examples?
Cold blooded vs. warm blooded Cold-blooded vs. warm- blooded Gizzard in bird, 4 stomachs in cows (digestion) Venom (snakes) Blue-ringed octopus Poison dart frog Black widow spider
2. Structural Adaptations Physical features on outside Examples?
Claws, teeth, camouflage, spines and thorns on cactus and plants
3. Behavioral Adaptations What an organism does Examples?
Migration, hibernation, nocturnal behaviors, mating behaviors and dances, broken wing behavior in birds com/watch?v=3UC KnC1L_Rc