Dr N Mayet Hiv/Aids Programme 24 August 2002 Page 1 BMW South Africa The Drive against HIV/AIDS Issues which until now have been regarded as “soft” for business- such as health, well-being, human rights-are now seen as “hard”-hard to ignore, hard to manage and very hard to control if they go wrong. David Grayson : Everybody’s Business
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 2 BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids HIV Prevalence in South Africa WOMEN ATTENDING 421 ANTE-NATAL CLINICS IN 9 PROVINCES
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 3 BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Prevalence in SA in KwaZulu Natal Eastern Cape Western Cape Northern Cape North West Limpopo Province Free State Mpumalanga Gauteng What is the prevalence in your area?
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 4 BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Potential Impact /Costs to Companies Source : Debswana DIRECT Decreased productivity Increased Absenteeism Low Morale Quality issues Succession planning Impact on Employee benefits -pension funds, -medical Aids -death benefits INDIRECT Reduction in consumer base Macro-economic issues
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 5 To reduce the number of new infections To maintain a productive, viable and sustainable workforce To reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on all employees and their families Promote concept of HIV/AIDS advocacy To ensure a safe working environment Develop support structures as “safety nets” BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Goal of BMW‘s Work Place Strategy
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 6 Chaired by Senior Member of the Board Multi- disciplinary team Union Involvement Formulation of the HIV/AIDS Policy Design and evaluate action plans Recommend and monitor budget Report to the Board BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Implementation Strategy HIV/AIDS Committee
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 7 Launched December 2000 Overview of nature of disease Define role of policy Employees rights/Discrimination Job security Prevention Testing procedures Support Programmes Confidentiality POLICY BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Implementation Strategy
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 8 Appointed HIV Champion and a full time Doctor Personnel measures, Medical Aid Scheme Administration Peer Educator Training/ Marketing Provision of Comprehensive Health Care Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections/TB Structural Changes BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Implementation Strategy
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 9 Dedicated budget Time/ Human resource capacity Medical Aid Pension Fund Costs Absenteeism Costs Drugs/Medicines Costs BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids Implementation Strategy
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 10 Established Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Focus on Attitudes and Practice Explore what company wanted to know Found out what employees want Used as a basis for future roll-out of the program Use as an evaluation tool BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids A Tailor-made Programme KAP STUDY
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 11 Specifically targeted awareness campaigns Industrial Theatre All new employees on induction – “pre-counseled” Focus group discussions/ women/ relationships Focus on ABCD Principles of prevention Self- responsibility/ ownership Teach the “How to” issues NAPWA, partners on line Emphasis on Holistic Wellness- Stress, Early Learning Centre, Psychologist, Biokinetic centre ROLL-OUT BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids A Tailor-made Programme
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 12 Voluntary testing and counseling BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids A Tailor-made Programme ROLL-OUT Formal blood testing- paper copy -results after 2 days
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 13 Condom distribution Provision of HAART Treatment Provision of nutritional Supplements Supervision and support Guarantee privacy, confidentiality, dignity Temporary/Permanent Incapacity Insurance Little things count BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids A Tailor-made Programme ROLL-OUT
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 14 Local Health Service Tswane Metro General Practitioners Traditional Healers Medical Aid Religious groups NGO/CBO`S PPP Project SABCOHA Networking BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids A Tailor-made Programme
The Drive against HIV/Aids 19 August 2002 Page 16 BMW’s Drive against HIV/Aids We are Committed to: Ensuring a healthy, stimulating and safe working environment for all our employees. Contributing to the health and well-being of our employees‘ families, dependants and the communities in which they live. Joining the nationwide effort to stem the tide of HIV and AIDS in South Africa.