Welcome to CAHSEE BOOTCAMP Week 4
Do Now! 1. What is the difference between Skimming and Scanning? 2. What is the difference between a Comparison clue and a Contrast clue? 3.Match the Prefix w/meaning A. Re Not B. Sub After C. Un Again D. Trans Before E. Pre Under F. Post Across
Agenda 2/22/2014 Do Now- (5 Minutes) PPT- Reading Comprehension Strategies- Chunking & Annotating (20 Minutes) Test Prep Activity #1- In Other Words (5 Minutes) Test Prep Activity #2- Up Here (5 Minutes) Test Prep Activity #3-Chunk, Chunk Chew (5 Minutes) Exit Slip (15-20 Minutes)
Standards 10RW1.1 Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations. [5 questions] 10RW1.2 Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words and interpret the connotative power of words. [2 questions] 10RC2.8 Evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument or defense of a claim by critiquing the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author’s intent affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material). [5 questions] 10RC2.4 Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension. [3 questions] 10RC2.5 Extend ideas presented in primary or secondary sources through original analysis, evaluation, and elaboration. [3 questions]
Reading Strategies for the CAHSEE There are five distinct types of questions on the CAHSEE: Right There (Covered last week) In Other Words…(Cover today) Up Here! (Cover today) What’s the BIG Idea Read All!
In Other Words In Other Words is a paraphrasing strategy that will help you break down a question in your own words. Not every question is written in “Right There” format. Tend to focus on an idea, rather than a detail or fact The answer will be stated in different words than those used in the text.
Strategies for “In Other Words” Skim and scan Read what you need: about 3-5 lines before and 3-5 lines after the citation to make sure you understand the context. Look for an answer choice in which the idea is rephrased
Example(Pair Share) “Pro and Con on Vitamin Supplements”- As appealing as they are made to sound, nutritional supplements are a danger in disguise. If you’re looking for good health, don’t look on the supplement shelves of your supplement. Look in the produce section instead. Turn to a partner and discuss what you think the BIG idea is?
What’s the BIG idea? Q-Instead of depending heavily on vitamin supplements, the author of the second article encourages readers to- Eat fruits and vegetables Begin an exercise program Skip meals when necessary Limit the intake of protein Take Physical Education w/Mr. Reyes
Up Here Knowledge-Based-tests what you already know Many of these questions only have one answer choice that makes sense. No need to go back to the text All the info you need is contained in the question and answer choices Take time to think about it!!!!
What Do The Questions Look Like? Which of the following is an example of..? What is the meaning of the phrase____ in this sentence? Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that..?
Question (Pair Share) What did the three previous examples have in common?
Practice Example A. The sun was as red as a rose. Which of the following phrases from the passage is an example of a simile? A. The sun was as red as a rose. B. The moon shined above. C. The whoosh of the leaves was a song. The wind whirled willows withered in the night.
Answer + Rationale (Pair Share) Why won’t going back to read the passage help you to answer the question? You must know what a simile is and be able to recognize one when you see it. (Note: A simile is a comparison using the words “like” or “as”)
Chunking & Annotating Chunking is exactly what it sounds like. Break down a tough word, sentence, or paragraph into easier-to-read chunks. Chunk in a way that is clear to you by circling pieces of text or using dashes (/) to separate text Food for thought: You wouldn’t eat a whole cake at once, so why try to digest an entire text at once?
Reading the text in sections
Individual Practice Complete Pg. 17- #1 only Complete Pg. 18- #2 only Don’t write on me! Review answers as a class
Group Practice (you can write on this handout) Complete pages 5-7 as a group Popcorn read the text while all group members annotate Review the answers as a class
Exit Slip: (15 mins) Get your assigned computer/ close notebook Log-on/ www.achievedata.com/zoom/test Use the test key from the CAHSEE BOOTCAMP file cabinet under Mrs. Kelley’s page Exit Slip Name- CB ELA Week Four Exit Slip (3 questions)
Time to Switch (1 minute stretch break before we start the next subject)
Reminders: (1 min) Sign in Laptops Bootcamp next Saturday! 15 school days to CAHSEE! Study over your notes nightly Room must be left spotless (no trash, chairs on desks, I will check your desk before dismissal)