© Crown copyright 2008 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Theme 2: Keep on learning Year 9
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunities 1.I just can’t wait 2.Who am I? 3.What would I like to be? 4.Who am I and who would I like to be? 5.Knowing myself (part 1) 6.Knowing myself (part 2) 7.Review of the theme
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 1: I just can’t wait Overall learning outcomes 1. I know that I am a unique individual, and I can think about myself on many different levels (e.g. physical characteristics, personality, attainments, attitudes, values, etc.). 23. I can look to long-term not short-term benefits and can delay gratification (e.g. working hard for a test or examination now to get a good job or go into further/higher education later). Year 9 learning outcomes I understand my personality traits. I can delay short-term gratification and I understand how this delay may be beneficial for me in the longer term.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Marshmallows or other sweets – two per pupil
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 2: Who am I? Overall learning outcome 1. I know that I am a unique individual, and I can think about myself on many different levels (e.g. physical characteristics, personality, attainments, attitudes, values, etc.) Year 9 learning outcomes I understand my personality traits. I can challenge and question my beliefs and attitudes and decide whether they are valid or not.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Video cameras for pupils to use. Qualities (see next slide)
© Crown copyright 2008 Qualities ● patient ● excitable ● wise ● intelligent ● sad ● healthy ● extrovert ● introvert ● anxious ● risk-taker ● impulsive ● rebellious ● kind.
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 3: What would I like to be? Overall learning outcome 1. I know that I am a unique individual, and I can think about myself on many different levels (e.g. physical characteristics, personality, attainments, attitudes, values, etc.). Year 9 learning outcomes I understand my personality traits. I can challenge and question my beliefs and attitudes and decide whether they are valid or not.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Pictures of celebrities.
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 4: Who am I and who would I like to be? Overall learning outcomes 5. I can identify what is important for me and what I expect from myself, taking into account the beliefs and expectations that others (e.g. friends, family, school staff) have of me. 24. I know how to bring about change in myself and others. Year 9 learning outcomes I can make reasoned adjustments to my expectations of myself in the light of the expectations of others. I can explain my strengths and limitations without undermining myself or alienating others. I can challenge and question my beliefs and attitudes and decide whether they are valid or not. I understand the stages I might go through in deciding to change something in my life.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet – My actual self Resource sheet – My ideal self Resource sheet – My ‘ought’ self
© Crown copyright 2008 What do I think of myself? (Skills, attributes and qualities.) What do others think and feel about me when they meet me? What do others see when they meet me? What do others hear when they meet me? Resource sheet – My actual self
© Crown copyright 2008 What do I think of myself? (Skills, attributes and qualities.) What do others think and feel about me when they meet me? What do others see when they meet me? What do others hear when they meet me? Resource sheet – My ideal self
© Crown copyright 2008 What do I think of myself? (Skills, attributes and qualities.) What do others think and feel about me when they meet me? What do others see when they meet me? What do others hear when they meet me? Resource sheet – My ‘ought’ self
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 5: Knowing myself (part 1) Overall learning outcomes 5. I can identify what is important for me and what I expect from myself, taking into account the beliefs and expectations that others (e.g. friends, family, school staff) have of me. 24. I know how to bring about change in myself and others. Year 9 learning outcomes I can challenge and question my beliefs and attitudes and decide whether they are valid or not. I can make reasoned adjustments to my expectations of myself in the light of the expectations of others. I can explain my strengths and limitations without undermining myself or alienating others. I have an understanding of who I am and my values and beliefs and have thought through and questioned them.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet – Knowing myself Resource sheet – My future self Information sheet 4 in the Introductory booklet (or display the diagram on the following page).
© Crown copyright 2008 Marcia’s grid High exploration Low exploration Low commitment High commitment
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 6: Knowing myself (part 2) Overall learning outcomes 5. I can identify what is important for me and what I expect from myself, taking into account the beliefs and expectations that others (e.g. friends, family, school staff) have of me. 19. I can set goals and challenges for myself, set criteria for success and celebrate when I achieve them. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand my personality traits. I can challenge and question my beliefs and attitudes and decide whether they are valid or not. I can make reasoned adjustments to my expectations of myself in the light of the expectations of others.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet – My future self
© Crown copyright 2008 Resource sheet – My future self
© Crown copyright 2008 Learning opportunity 7: Review of the theme Overall learning outcomes 7. I can make sense of what has happened to me in my life, and understand that things that come from my own history can make me prone to being upset, fearful or angry for reasons others may find difficult to understand. 20. I can break a long-term plan into small, achievable steps. 21. I can anticipate and plan to work around or overcome potential obstacles. 24. I know how to bring about change in myself and others. Year 9 learning outcomes I understand the stages I might go through in deciding to change something in my life. I can delay short-term gratification and I understand how this delay may be beneficial for me in the longer term. I can elicit the support of my school and class to meet my long-term goal. I can support others in meeting their goal.
© Crown copyright 2008 You will need: Resource sheet – The future self challenge
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