UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE The origins of basic political and economic organizations in industrial democratic societies DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Development of Nations Imperialism: International Economic Organizations International Political Relations 8 UNIT SCHEDULE 5 UNIT MAP is about... Unit Introduction . Population Graphs . Revolution Research . Quiz . Power Webbing . Trading Routes FRAME . Note-making . Mini Debate . Mini Research . Map / Location Unit Assessment understanding the profound changes brought about by the industrial revolution by examining the by studying Economic and political changes caused by industrialization Imperialism in North America in the 18th and 19th century by noting the problem of finding by analyzing the Economic opportunities for profit and jobs use of national power to protect national self-interest cause/effect timelines/flowcharts How did industrialization promote imperialism? Explain acculturation, segregation, assimilation, annihilation, and accommodation? How did European countries attempt to secure markets and resources in order to increase political power? How were India, China, Japan, and Egypt affected by imperialism? How did Imperialism in North America impact the aboriginal people? How did Imperialism alter the political, military, and economic balance of power in the world? 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS compare/contrast PROCESSES LEARNING 7 Descriptions/Research
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map NAME Imperialism: International Economic Organizations DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... understanding the profound changes brought about by the industrial revolution by examining the by studying Economic and political changes caused by industrialization Imperialism in North America in the 18th and 19th century by noting the problem of finding by analyzing the Economic opportunities for profit and jobs use of national power to protect national self-interest 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map NAME Imperialism: International Economic Organizations DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... understanding the profound changes wrought by the industrial revolution by examining the by studying Economic and political changes caused by industrialization Imperialism in North America in the 18th and 19th century by noting the problem of finding by analyzing the Protecting National Interests Sovereignty Changes caused by industrialization Use of Energy Global Population Growth Industrial Transformation Communication and Transportation Democratic Revolution Colonial Expansion Acculturation Economic opportunities for profit and jobs use of national power to protect national self-interest Cherokee Nation |Human Rights Nationhood Aboriginal Sovereignty Policies of the American Government Constitutionality Trail of Tears Consequences of Imperialism Problems of finding economic opportunities Standard of Living Protectionism and Trade Tariffs International Competition Protecting self-interest Strategic interest Hinterland Economic Growth International Trade Militarism Securing Markets and Resources Securing trade routes Use of Power Militarism Imperialism in China Imperialism in Japan Imperialism in Egypt Acculturation Segregation Annihilation Accommodation Strategic Interests 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT