Welcome to Curriculum Night! 3 rd Grade Granger Elementary
What is Reading Workshop? Readers' Workshop is a teaching method that has been around for many years. Its main focus is to foster a love for reading within our students, and to differentiate, or personalize, instruction in order to accommodate the learning needs of all students. A method of teaching reading in the classroom that focuses on independent reading. Granger Elem.
Jobs of the Student and Teacher Students: take more responsibility for their learning choose books that appeal to them and are at their own instructional level respond to the text they are reading share thoughts and ideas within small groups Teacher: teaches mini-lessons based on observations of student needs conferences with individual students personalizes instruction to fit individual student needs keeps records of student progress Granger Elem.
Parts of Reading Workshop Opening/Mini-Lesson (10-15 minutes) Work Period (40 minutes) Closing (10 minutes) Granger Elem.
Opening/Mini-Lesson Talk to the students about strategies that good readers use to help them become even better readers. Share a new concept Review expectations Teach about a specific reading strategy Granger Elem.
Work Period Begins after the opening; the longest part of the workshop. Students participate in a variety of activities: –Independent Reading –Partner Reading –Discussing Books –Writing in their Reader’s Notebook –Student/Teacher Conferences –Guided Reading –Strategy Practice This is the time to practice what was taught in the opening. Granger Elem.
Closing Immediately follows the Work Period Time when the whole class comes back together for the readers to share their reading. –What they learned –Strategies they practiced/used during the work period –Accomplishments (finishing a chapter book, etc) –Discuss their book (Book Talk) –Answer questions or concerns from lesson –Share tips or remind students of assignments Granger Elem.
The Workshop Folder Reading Log- students record books they are reading throughout the school year. Conference Sheet- a place for students and teachers to create goals for their reading. Journal- where students practice reading strategies and respond to their reading. Post-it Notes- tool used for students to record their thinking while independent reading. Chapter Book- a leveled book that the student has chosen to read. Granger Elem.
What we have learned so far: How to select a “just right” book What independent reading looks like Shared Reading and Read Aloud Genres Self-correcting strategies to use while reading Rubrics and how to use them Reading Conferences Context Clues Talk Productively about Text The Habits of Good Listeners Making Predictions How to increase our fluency Ways to record our thinking as we read on post-it notes Granger Elem.
Reading Strategies Make ConnectionsMake Connections Ask QuestionsAsk Questions Determine Importance (Main Idea)Determine Importance (Main Idea) Infer and PredictInfer and Predict VisualizeVisualize SynthesizeSynthesize Use Fix Up StrategiesUse Fix Up Strategies Sequencing EventsSequencing Events Determining Cause and EffectDetermining Cause and Effect Fact and OpinionFact and Opinion SummarizationSummarization
Reading Homework Every 3 rd grade student is expected to read 20 minutes each night. (Recorded in planner) Additional Reading homework can be sent home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Granger Elem.
Math Areas of Focus: Number Sense Explores and represents whole numbers up to 999,999. Adds and subtracts with and without regrouping (3-digit numbers). Estimates. Investigates relationships between numbers, number systems and symbols. Compares, sequences, and orders numbers to 9,999. Decides whether to add or subtract and explains reasoning. Concept of multiplication and division and memorization of facts (through the 12). Granger Elem.
Math Areas of Focus: Measurement Estimates and measures. Computes the total value of a mixed set of coins and dollars. Tells time to 1-minute intervals. Uses estimates to predict reasonableness of measurement. measures and compares characteristics of objects to the nearest ½ inch and the nearest centimeter. Granger Elem.
Math Areas of Focus: Geometry/Spatial Sense Explores geometric shapes by attributes (2 and 3-dimensional). Demonstrates location of objects by using directional words. Explores symmetry and similarity of geometric objects. Creates geometric shapes using manipulatives. Granger Elem.
Math Areas of Focus: Probability and Statistics Explores difference between certain and uncertain events. Finds ways to collect, organize, record, and graph data using real or pictorial symbols. Makes simple inferences from charts and graphs. Explores the process of predicting and comparing results of simple activities (experiments). Granger Elem.
Math Areas of Focus: Functions and Relationships Explores patterns using objects and numbers. Uses manipulatives and symbols to represent number patterns. Uses standard notation to read and write number sentences. Solves simple equations at the concrete. Granger Elem.
What is Math Investigations Workshop? Curriculum tool for mathematics instruction in NISD for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Very different from that of "more traditional" curriculum tools, which many adults experienced as children and focused on applying formulas, rules, performed procedures and algorithms (skill-based learning). Research shows that when students develop their own ways of solving problems they retain their understanding. When students work together with their peers to solve problems they evaluate approaches and justify their reasoning, leading to deeper understanding and mathematical fluency. Granger Elem.
Parts of Math Workshop Opening/Mini-Lesson (10-15 minutes) Work Period (40 minutes) Closing (10-15 minutes) Granger Elem.
Opening/Mini-Lesson Come together on the floor to share new concepts/strategies Building/Creating of Anchor Charts Work with peers to solve Problem of the Day Target the Question Review Granger Elem.
Target the Question Daily problem solving review Students work on word problems independently in folders Discuss strategies used and why specific strategies work Use of CPS clickers to review class data Weekly assessment at end of week Granger Elem.
Work Period Math Workshop/Partner games Math Notebooking Must Do Problems Independent Work Writing in Math Granger Elem.
Closing Sharing and communicating efficient strategies used during Work Period Sharing of Notebook writing Review of Mini-lessons and new strategies Granger Elem.
Math Homework Every 3 rd grade will receive a weekly homework sheet due on Fridays unless otherwise specified. Generally 4-5 questions per night (Monday-Thursday) Please bring to class daily. Please sign at the end of week indicating you have review student work. Granger Elem.
Questions or Comments? Granger Elem.