Greece was a civilization that existed about 2,500 years ago. Ancient Greece gave us many ideas in architecture, government, and the Olympics.


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Presentation transcript:

Greece was a civilization that existed about 2,500 years ago. Ancient Greece gave us many ideas in architecture, government, and the Olympics.

The ancient Olympics began in Olympia, Greece. Athletes were awarded with a crown of olive leaves and sometimes pottery. Athletes from all over Greece came to Olympia to compete. Only men were allowed to compete. They ran races, wrestled, and competed in other sports.

Think- about differences between the Olympics of ancient Greece and our modern day Olympic games. (2 minutes) Pair- discuss your thoughts with your partner. Share-you and your partner will share your ideas with the class.

Ancient Greeks built beautiful buildings and temples that influence many of our own government buildings. The Parthenon with its carving, columns and marble steps is one example.

The ancient Greeks invented three types of columns. The Doric style is the most plain.

The Ionic design is famous for its scrolls. The Corinthian style is quite fancy.

The United States Supreme Court building is one example of Greek influence in architecture.

The ParthenonThe Supreme Court

The ParthenonThe Supreme Court

The Georgia State Capitol building.

The State Judicial Building in Atlanta.

The city-state of Athens, Greece gave us many of our ideas on democracy. Ancient Greece had a direct democracy- a form of democracy in which all citizens made decisions. Voted directly for their leaders. Voted on all decisions that were important to its people. Only men could vote.

They met three or four times a month in a group called the assembly. The assembly created a group of 500 citizens called the council to run the city from day-to-day. Members of the council served for 1 year.

Our government is different. Because we have so many people our citizens can’t get together. Instead our government is a representative democracy. We choose other citizens to represent us or stand in for us in the government. 2 senators from each state; Representatives based on population.

Unlike Greece, where only male citizens could vote, in America, every citizen over the age of 18 can vote for their representative. In local governments like our towns, city, and counties we have a direct democracy. We go to town hall meetings and say what we think or vote for what we think is best for our town.

Discuss with your partner how the ideas of government in ancient Athens, Greece is similar to our ideas.

Ancient Greece United States Type of Democracy DirectRepresentative Who serves? ALL citizens Elected officials How long? 1 year 2-6 years How many people serve? 500 each year 2 Senators from each state; Representatives based on population Who can vote? All Greek male citizens (not women, children, or slaves) All citizens 18 or older who register Similarities between the U.S. Supreme Court building and the Parthenon: 1. Columns 2. Carvings and statues 3. Marble steps