School of Mechanical Engineering Global Engineering Professional Seminar 1.Please place resumes with attached reviews in brown “attendance” folders 2.Hand-outs today: ME School’s Spring 2015 ME Semester 6 in China—ETA-SJTU in Shanghai, PRC! 3.Reminders: Grades, Blackboard availability, Supplements. 4.Next week: Quiz, Chapters 1, 2, 3—10 questions! Also resumes returned, PESC Roundtable Info—Kara Steffen. ME 290 Week 3: September 5, 2013
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall Course Materials All course materials, except the text, will be posted on our course webpage, “Communications” drop down menu on ME HOME
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall Textbook/Quizzes Fareed Zakaria’s Post-American World, Release 2.0 Available in PB, in bookstores and on; hardback, with blue/white cover, also fine. Quiz next week over Chap 1, 2, 3—about 100 pages: Globalization, power diversification, “rise of the rest,” shifts in corporate structure, consumption pattern changes…
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall Your Semester Six? ›ME’s Engineering Term Abroad ›No delay in graduation! ›No additional cost! Compares to on-campus, W.Lafayette costs (no change in tuition). ›Shanghai Jiao Tong University located in major metropolitan area, financial center of the world’s fastest growing economy! ›See it for yourself! Go with 40 Purdue ME’s! ›.
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall ›Let’s ask our two guests today, program alums from Spring 2013: ›Kat Frangoes, ETA program “CEO” for Spring 2013, dance team choreographer, travel coordinator and “organizer-in-chief” ›Nitesh Bajaj, program’s Skype “commentator-in-chief,” Cummins, Inc. GEARE intern in China, post ETA- semester Too good to be true??
Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall ›Resumes returned next week… ›PESC Roundtable Jobs Fair…overview, prep for Tuesday, Wednesday following ›Introduce “profile” assignment ›Following weekly seminar—first outside speaker! Looking ahead…