University of Utah 1 Fortran Assignment Due 7:30pm Questions?
University of Utah 2 Early 1960's Mainframe Companies Snow White (IBM) Seven Dwarfs -Control Data, Honeywell, Philco, Burroughs, RCA, GE, NCR
University of Utah 3 IBM in /7094 -large scientific mainframe small mainframe “business” version of another small mainframe
University of Utah 4 IBM in /7094 -large scientific mainframe small mainframe “business” version of another small mainframe ALL INCOMPATIBLE!
University of Utah 5 SPREAD Committee at IBM (1961) -Current machines not scalable -What to do about it?
University of Utah 6 The Answer One unified product line -for business AND science “Bet the company”
University of Utah 7 System/360 A family of related machines -25:1 performance ratio All binary-compatible with each other!!! -Same executables run on each model of 360
University of Utah 8 How? Microprogramming -Same instruction set -But implemented differently for each machine!
University of Utah 9 Gallery
University of Utah Gallery
University of Utah Gallery
University of Utah Lasting trends System/360 used 8-bit “bytes” 32-bit word length General-purpose registers
University of Utah EBCDIC “Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code” Two standards -ASCII for minicomputers -EBCDIC for mainframes
University of Utah Emulators 360 included emulation modes for series Customers could migrate existing applications -Sorry, Honeywell!
University of Utah Operating Systems OS/360 -Too late! Stopgaps -BOS, TOS, DOS
University of Utah Famous People Gene Amdahl -“Amdahl's Law” -Principle designer of System/360
University of Utah Famous People Fred Brooks -“The Mythical Man-Month” Based on experiences writing OS/360
University of Utah Summary System/360 -extremely successful! -first “line” of computers -established many current conventions Direct ancestor of IBM's current mainframes!
University of Utah Next Homework
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University of Utah Friday Guest speaker: Lee Hollaar
University of Utah “Test Question” On a scrap of paper, write a question that encapsulates one of the points from today's class, and turn it in. (Put your name on it!)