Long-Term Goal To enhance student’s learning with the help of the 21st Century skills and inculcate critical thinking and organization in my students to face the challenges of ever changing environment.
Short Term Goals To develop a good rapport between the students and myself To enhance the communication skills of students To create a student centered environment of learning To develop high order thinking in the students To make my lessons interesting for the students by various activities
Bloom’s Taxonomy Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Knowing
I will upload presentations to & facilitate students to execute laboratory experimentswww.olcsn.com
Fit and healthy Strategy: I will facilitate independent learning Task: Research work will be given to students related to health Objectives: Blooms taxonomy - Analyzing & Creating levels will be used
Ecological Relationships Strategy: I will take students for a field trip Task: Students will observe the organisms living together in the same habitat Objectives: Blooms Taxonomy – Knowing & Understanding will be covered
Ecological Relationships – Field Trip
Rocks and Weathering Strategy: I will use questioning & intervening skills and show multimedia presentations Task: Students will be able to make decisions based on reasoned arguments and will recognize subjectivity Objectives: Bloom’s Taxonomy – Evaluating & Analyzing
The Rock Cycle Strategy: I will provide my students with theories, data and formulae Task: Students will be able to solve problems for instance finding the density & origin of rocks Objectives: Bloom’s Taxonomy – Applying, Analyzing & Evaluating
Heating and Cooling Strategy: I will give examples of common devices to students and the concept of heating & cooling Task: Students will be able to apply the knowledge on the devices and carry out experiments in laboratory Objectives: Bloom’s Taxonomy – Analyzing (critical thinking) & Applying
Heating & Cooling Experiments
Sound and Hearing Strategy: I will make my students work in collaboration to make a project Task: Students will create simple instruments which can amplify sounds Objectives: Bloom’s Taxonomy - Creating
January February March April May Facilitate Independent Learning by Research Field Trip Focus on Multimedia Presentations & Parent Teacher Meeting Project Work in Groups Revision Sheets & Exams TIMELINE
Challenges and Solutions The administration may object to let the classes go for the field work The multimedia may not be available for our section Unforeseen holidays may delay my action plan to be fulfilled within a limited period of time Some students may take extra time to understand. I will talk to the administration and convince them I will make a schedule according to multimedia availability I will take zero periods to complete my planned work I will take ELSC classes to give them more time
Conclusion With good planning, an organized facilitation can be executed in order to encourage students to utilize their best potential so as to achieve success
Resources Intel Teach Program Manual Colleagues Google Hienmann Science Textbook For Prep II
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Headmistress, Senior Mistress, The Administration of The City School, PAF Chapter and The Intel Corporation for enrollment in this useful program