Meeting The 2015 Challenge Rob Webster Chief Executive NHS Confederation
21st century snake oil…..
Fertile ground in the sector that has transformed the most
E-mental health – what’s all the fuss about?
Investing in the future
1. A culture that embraces technology and partnerships 2. An infrastructure that makes the future possible Two essentials…….
eHealth in the EU – A diagnosis 60% of GPs using eHealth tools in 2013, up 50% since Much more needs to be done. The main findings of the surveys include: Top performing countries for eHealth uptake in hospitals are Denmark (66%), Estonia (63%), Sweden and Finland (both 62%) eHealth services mostly traditional recording and reporting rather than clinicaL Only 10% of GPs hold online consultations Netherlands has (83.2%) digitisation; silver for Denmark (80.6%) and the UK taking home bronze (80.5%) Only 9% of hospitals in Europe allow patients to access online their own medical records, and most of those only give partial access; When adopting e-health, hospitals and GPs experience many barriers ranging from lack of interoperability to lack of regulatory framework and resources. Source – European Commission, 2014
mHealth in the EU – new markets By 2017 global mHealth market will reach the equivalent of US$ 23 bn, with Europe accounting for US$ 6.9bn (ahead of both Asia- Pacific and North American markets) By then mHealth could save a total of €99 billion in healthcare costs in the EU. The largest savings in the areas of wellness/prevention (€69 billion) and treatment/monitoring (€32 billion), considering the costs of the workforce needed to support mHealth (€6.2 billion). Mobile app market dominated by individuals (30%) or small companies, (34.3% having 2-9 employees) – huge opportunities but key risks around: – Data protection/big data/transparency of information/interoperability/liability/equal access/reimbursement Source European Commission 2014 Green Paper on mHealth