Implementing the CCSS in Mathematics: Challenges and Strategies CCSSO National Assessment Conference June 2013 Elliott Asp, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing the CCSS in Mathematics: Challenges and Strategies CCSSO National Assessment Conference June 2013 Elliott Asp, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent Cherry Creek Schools Greenwood Village, CO

Overview Changes from existing standards to CCSS Challenges for implementation Strategies and Resources Next steps

What’s Different in Math? Focus: focus strongly where the standards focus Coherence: think across grades, and link to major topics in each grade Rigor: in major topics, pursue with equal intensity conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and applications

What’s Different in Math? Answer Getting vs. Problem Solving

Standards for Math Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Content Shifts “Old” Algebra 1 Order of operations with integers Solve multi-step algebraic equations Write and solve linear equations Graph linear equations Bivariate data and linear modeling Solve systems of linear equations Operations with polynomials (except division) Operations with exponential expressions Solve and graph quadratics Common Core Math 8 Irrational numbers Radicals and integer exponents Solve multi-step algebraic equations Write and solve linear equations Graph linear equations Bivariate data and linear modeling Solve systems of linear equations Define, evaluate, and work with functions Congruence and similarity Pythagorean Theorem

Challenges Lack of mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge Existing course sequence Parental expectations Administrator and Board understanding and support Political opposition

Professional Development for Teachers Secondary Math Cadre Standards for Math Practice Training Model Classrooms with STEM Coaches Common Core Workshops Web Resources

Online Resources for Teachers

Expectations for Schools Transition Year 2 Begin to shift focus content Effectively apply strategies and ensure equitable access in order to close the achievement gap Organize big concepts for the new standards Develop expertise with new grade level content Transition offerings to align with Common Core Full Implementation What should be teachers' instructional focus? Fully implement the new curriculum supporting CAS Explore and refine instructional strategies to ensure student success Further differentiate instruction to increase student achievement Integrate formative assessment practices into instruction Eliminate extraneous content

Course Sequence (DRAFT) Grade Traditional Pathway Alternate Pathway High School entry Alternate Pathway Middle School entry 12 AP Statistics or Pre Calculus or College Algebra or other senior elective AP Calculus AB/BC Calculus 3/Differential Equations 11 Algebra 2Algebra 2+AP Calculus BC 10 GeometryGeometry +Algebra 2+ 9 Algebra 1Geometry + 8 Math 8Algebra 1 7 Math 7Math 7/8 6 Math 6Math 6/7

Professional Development for Building Administrators Independent study course online Continuing professional development through monthly administrator meetings

Online Training for Administrators hp?id=4424

Information for Board of Education and Parents/Community Presentations Parent meetings Publications Web Resources

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Report to the Board of Education Cherry Creek School District October 2012

Parent and Community Resources

Web Resources cDev/CommonCore/Pages/default.aspx

CCSS as a Vehicle to Achieve District Goals The “Common Core” is the “Common Floor”

Excellence and Equity Excellence and Equity – raising the academic achievement of all students, closing the gap between the highest- and lowest-performing students, and eliminating the predictability of achievement by race. College and Post-Secondary Preparedness and Success College and Post-Secondary Preparedness and Success – preparing students for success in college and other post-secondary options, including vocational education, the military, and the workforce. Cherry Creek School District Goals

District Performance Plan Action Step Revise curriculum and instructional practices across all levels so that ALL students are prepared for success in college and other post- secondary training or are “on track” to do so Align curriculum and programs with the state standards and ACT benchmarks district-wide Offer only courses that allow students to access the curriculum necessary for success in college and post- secondary training

An Unfinished Journey

Why Common Core? “These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. … It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.” –CCSSM, p. 5

Questions? Jim Milgram