Why are Different Places Similar?
Scale from Local to Global
Globalization Force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope Economic decisions in one area are influenced by interaction with decision makers located elsewhere
Transnational Corporation Conducts research, operates factories and sells products in many countries
TN:Corp: Technological ability to move money Major centers: New York, London and Tokyo
TN Corp: remain competitive by ID optimal location for activities Globalization has heightened economic differences among places
Every place in the world is part of the global economy but globalization has led to more specialization at the local level
Uniform cultural preferences produce uniform global landscapes Of material artifacts and of cultural values
Globalization of cultural beliefs and forms
Globalization requires a form of common communication
Yet cultural differences among places not only persist but flourish
Strong determination on the part of a group to retain its traditions Can lead to intolerance of people who display other beliefs, social forms and material traits
Space time compression Reduction in time it takes for something to reach another place
Spatial interaction Historically interaction required physical movement of settlers Now interaction through networks transportation, communication etc. Typically the farther away one group is from another the less likely interaction: distance decay
Diffusion: process by which a characteristic spreads From one place to another over time
Diffusion Place from which innovation originates is called a hearth Relocation diffusion: spread of an idea through physical movement of people Expansion Diffusion: spread of a feature from one place to another in a snowballing process
Expansion Diffusion Hierarchical: Spread of idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places Contagious: rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population Stimulus: Spread of an underlying principle even though a characteristic itself fails to diffuse
Global culture and economy centered on three hearth regions North America, Western Europe and Japan Large % of world’s advanced technology, capital to invest and wealth to purchase Command centers in New York, London and Tokyo.
Periphery or outer edge Africa, Asia and Latin America ¾ of world’s population and nearly all growth Decisions made by transnational corporations. Global economy has produced greater disparities than in the past between core and periphery: uneven development
Space: distribution of features Actions at one point in space can results from something happening at another point
Distribution: arrangement of a feature in space Distribution: arrangement of a feature in space Density: frequency with which something occurs in space Concentration: the extent of a feature’s spread over space clustered/dispersed Pattern: the geometric arrangement of objects in space
Gender and Ethnic diversity in Space Also effects of race on spatial interaction