The Washington Core to College Project: Connecting Higher Education to the Common Core State Standards & Smarter Balanced Assessment Bill Moore, State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Director, Core to College Alignment & Transition Mathematics Project October 2013
Project Goals 1.Build faculty ownership and understanding of the CCSS as meaningful and useful college- readiness standards 2.Develop overall higher education agreement for use of CCSS and Smarter Balanced assessment 3.Promote local use of CCSS and Smarter Balanced assessment in ways that improve high school to college transition for students Core to College wiki
Using the 11 th Grade Assessment College Placement Full or conditional exemption from developmental course work when entering college Need to define what evidence of continued learning will be considered appropriate for conditional exemption Strengthen 12 th Grade “Launch Year” Encourage dual credit courses for students who are college-ready Provide targeted curriculum for students who are not yet college-ready
Smarter Balanced Practice Test Resources & Rubrics
College Readiness Expectations 1.Individual freewrite (broad outcomes, “big ideas,” key content areas, …) 10 2.Table group discussions: define/post consensus items 20 3.Whole group review posts, discuss common ground, connections to CCSS 15
Smarter Balanced Assessment Policy Framework Not Yet Content-Ready - Substantial Support Needed K-12 & higher education may offer interventions Level 1 Not Yet Content-Ready – Support Needed Transition courses or other supports for Grade 12, retesting option for states Level 2 Conditionally Content-Ready/Exempt from Developmental In each state, K-12 and higher ed must jointly develop Grade 12 requirements for students to earn exemption Level 3 Content-Ready/Exempt from Developmental K-12 and higher education may jointly set Grade 12 requirements to retain exemption (optional for states) Level 4 Note: Applies only to students who matriculate directly from high school to college.
Core to College System Policy Timetable System policy work group (Fall 2013) Cross- sector summit gathering (Fall 2014) Confirm SB participation commitment (before January 2015) Develop specific proposal for SB use in higher education Review and endorse proposal Showcase local school/ college partnerships System group and institutional review (Winter Spring 2014)
SAMPLE Math Transcript Table (Green River CC) If your last math course was... and you earned a grade of... and you completed it within___of today’s date: your placement will be... Geometry I & II C+ or better One yearMath 72 Two yearsCOMPASS score or Entrance Exam B+ or better One yearMath 97 Two yearsMath 72 Advanced Algebra/Trig C+ or betterOne yearMath 97 Two yearsMath 72 B or betterOne yearMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 147, 170 Two yearsMath 97 AOne yearMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 106 (b), 147, 170 Two yearsMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 147, 170 Pre-calculus I & IIC+ or betterOne yearMath 97, 147 or Math& 107 Two yearsMath 97 B or better One yearMath& 107, 141 (a), 142 (a), 151 (a), Math 106 (b), 147, 170. Two yearsMath&141 (a), 107, Math 106 (b), 147, 170 A- or betterOne or two years Math& 107, 141 (a), 142 (a), 151 (a), Math 106 (b), 147, 170 BAT MathC+ or betterOne yearMath 97 (if student has either Pre-calculus or Calculus Two yearsCOMPASS score or Entrance Exam How does the SBAC 11 th grade assessment score factor into this matrix…???
Consult with campus colleagues about this work (Common Core, Smarter Balanced assessment, transition courses—see wiki site for resources)wiki site Participate in follow-up work via , web (provide feedback to help refine descriptions, etc.) Stay tuned for announcements regarding next in-person gathering Next Steps for This Group
Professional Learning Resources PARCC Model Content Frameworks: ELA ELA MathMath PARCC HS progression documents: WritingWriting Speaking and listeningSpeaking and listening Achieve the Core Achieve the Core School Librarians & CCSS Resources School Librarians & CCSS Resources Teaching Channel Teaching Channel Noyce Foundation math resources Noyce Foundation math resources Math Design Collaborative Literacy Design Collaborative Equip rubrics (for lessons and units) Equip rubrics Engage NY Engage NY Math Progression documents Math Progression documents Math Publishers’ criteria Math Publishers’ criteria Mathematics Common Core Toolbox Mathematics Common Core Toolbox Illustrative Mathematics Illustrative Mathematics OSPI Common Core OSPI Common Core Smarter Balanced Smarter Balanced Educational Policy Improvement Center Educational Policy Improvement Center Core to College wiki
Specific Transition Courses SREB transition courses SREB transition courses Expository Reading & Writing Course (CSU) Expository Reading & Writing Course (CSU) Dana Center Senior Year Capstone Course (AQR/AMDM) (math) Dana Center Senior Year Capstone Course (AQR/AMDM) Project TIME, Green River (TMP) Project TIME, Green River (TMP) (Detailed resources available at TMP site)(Detailed resources available at TMP site) (math) Shoreline C2C Project (English) Shoreline C2C Project