Community Helpers Tricia Rhodehamel. ED 417.
Community Helpers. Unit: Community Helpers. Lessons: Community Helpers Overview. Doctor. Police Officer. Firefighter. Architect. Grade Level: 1st Grade.
Objectives. The students will understand what a community helper does. The student will learn about the many different community helpers in the world. The students will understand that we all have a role in our community.
Objectives. The students will be able to explain what a community helper is and what he/she does. The students will be able to identify be able to name at least 3 community helpers in their community.
Student Activity 1. Activity # 1. Community Workers Overview. 1. Ask students if they know what a community helper is. If no one knows explain. 2. Read “Community Helpers from A to Z” by Bobbie Kalman and Niki Walker. 3. Have students pick one community helper. Draw a picture and describe the picture 1 to 4 sentences.
Materials Needed #1. Book “Community Helpers from A to Z” by Bobbie Kalman and Niki Walker. Paper. Half blank and Half Lined. Pencils, crayons or colored pencils.
Student Activity 2. Activity #2. Doctor. 1. Ask students if they have ever been to the doctor. Ask them what the doctor does. Explain that a doctor is a community helper. 2. Read “A Day in the Life of a Doctor (First Facts: Community Helpers at work)” by Heather Adamson.
Student Activity 2. 3. Have students work in groups to brainstorm and help write a class story about what a doctor does for the community.
Materials Needed #2. Book “A Day in the Life of a Doctor (First Facts: Community Helpers at Work)” by Heather Adamson. Chart Paper. Marker.
Student Activity 3. Activity # 3. Police Officer. 1. Put students in groups of 3 or 4 and have them write down what a police officer does. Bring the group back together and have a whole group discussion. 2. Read “I’m Going to Be a Police Officer” by Edith I. Kunart.
Student Activity 3. 3. Have students get back into their groups and circle the ideas they wrote before that they heard in the book. 4. Have the groups pick one of those ideas and write a story together about a police officer.
Materials Needed #3. Book. “I’m Going to Be a Police Officer” by Edith I. Kunart. Paper. Pencil.
Student Activity 4. Activity # 4. Firefighter. 1. Pull out of a bag objects that relate to a firefighter and ask the students who uses these tools. 2. Read “Fire Fighters” by Norma Simon.
Student Activity 4. 3. Have students write a short story about what a firefighter does and use the objects introduced at the beginning of the lesson in the story.
Materials Needed #4. Book. “Fire Fighters” by Norma Simon. Bag. Objects: Fire truck, Helmet, Hose, Fire Hydrant, Ladder. Paper. Pencils.
Student Activity 5. Activity # 5. Architect. 1. Show students a set of blueprints. Ask them what they are and who makes them. Explain that an architect is a community helper. 2. Read “A Day in the Life of an Architect (The Kids’ Career Library)” by Mary Bowman-Kruhm.
Student Activity 5. 3. Have students draw a blueprint of the classroom or their house.
Materials Needed #5. Book. “A Day in the Life of an Architect (The Kids’ Career Library)” by Mary Bowman-Kruhm. Blueprints. Paper. Black and Blue Colored Pencils or Crayons. Pencils.
Doctor. A doctor takes care of us when we are sick. He gives us medicine and tells us how we can get better.
Police Officers A police officer helps to keep us safe. He keeps the bad guys off of the street and makes sure we are very safe.
Firefighter. A firefighter protects us if we have a fire. He comes to help us get out of the building and put out the fire.
Architect. An architect draws plans for our houses. These are pictures of the house so that the construction worker (who builds the houses) knows how it should look.
Web Sites. Ben’s Guide to U. S. Government for Kids. Community Club. Kids Next Door: Where Kids Can Learn More About Being Good Citizens.
Web Sites. Our Community Helpers. People, Places, & Things that Help Me.