A history of ceramics Webquest By Tonya Baracani- Thomas
Unit title: A visual history of Ceramics Grade level: 9-12 Subject topic area: Art, writing, research Designed by: Tonya Baracani-Thomas Time Frame: 7-10 days School district: South Knox School: South Knox middle-high school Address: 6136 East state road 61 Vincennes,indiana Unit cover page
Summary of unit Students will divide into groups of 3-4 and assign the roles of art curator,ect.Students have been given the assignment to create a museum that represents the history of ceramics. Students will be expected to design the museum from the actual pieces and cultures that they want to be on display, down to the architect and location. Students will learn and discover the properties of ceramics. Students will learn about different cultures use of ceramics (functional and ceremonial) Students will create their own visual timeline to show the evolution and the key points in ceramic history Students will use the internet and take their own visual images to complete their timeline. Images will be taken from field trips or personal journeys to the bloomington campus art gallery and the IMA in Indianapolis Each visual of the timeline will have to have a written justification touching on keypoints of the movement, artist, culture and what aesthic qualaties led you to choose this piece as a representation. Timeline will be presented in power point
Desired results Standards:8.1.1 Analyze who, what, when, where, and why a work was made; and the relationship of a work of art to the historical, environmental, technological, and political contexts of the culture in which it was created Analyze how the function of art in our society has changed over time Identify ways in which artists from culturally diverse backgrounds have used personal iconography and life experiences in their artwork. RESPONDING TO ART: Criticism Standard 3 Students describe, analyze, and interpret works of art and artifacts Analyze artist’s use of sensory, formal, technical, and expressive properties in a work of art Construct meaning and support well-developed interpretations of the work with personal response, research, and properties found in the work Expand on and use appropriate art vocabulary. Standard 4 Students identify and apply criteria to make informed judgements about art Identify and define the role of the art critic Apply criteria in making informed judgements about works of art and defend these judgements. RESPONDING TO ART: Aesthetics Standard 5 Students reflect on and discuss art theories and aesthetic issues concerning the meaning and significance of art.
Standards continued Production CERAMICS: Media: modeling clay, clay substitutes, glazes, stains, paint Processes: pinch and pulled forms, slab, drape mold, coil, surface decoration techniques, incising, sgraffito, wax resist, hand hewn CAREERS AND COMMUNITY Standard 11 Students recognize a variety of art-related professions and careers in our society Identify a wide variety of professions related to art such as: fashion designers, advertisers, web designers, interior designers/decorators, landscape designers, architects Identify components of professional art portfolios.
Understanding Students will understand the important functions that ceramics have taken in the history of civillizatin. They will understand the difference between form and function Students will briefly explore cultures Students will have a chance to be exposed to many different works of art and use them to encourage their own productions
Essential questions& Students will know What is a curator, art historian, docent, Architectect The meaning of asthetics Different time periods and cultures that have been or should be included as a keypoint in ceramic history What is a slab, pinch, coil, thrown, glaze ect
Assessment Performance- Students will identify the roles of a curator, architect, art historian Students will learn how to investigate different time periods and cultures use of ceramics Students will earn how to visually present and verbally justify their astheic choices Students will incorpoarate their findings and interests into their ceramic projects
Conclusion Students will present their visual timeline with written justificaions to the entire class. Powerpoint presentations will be reviewed and the winning presentation will receive a voucher good towards one exempt project(slab, coil, thrown, cast)
Extra credit Students may choose to build a 3-d model of their actual museum Students may bring in actual examples of ceramics or create their own!