: semicolons & colons ;.


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Presentation transcript:

: semicolons & colons ;

Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are closely related in meaning if they are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet

example First, I had a sandwich and a glass of milk, and then I went to the couch to take a nap. First I had a sandwich and a glass of milk; then I went to the couch to take a nap.

example With comma and FANBOY word: Patty likes to act, but she sometimes gets stage fright. With semicolon: Patty likes to act; she sometimes gets stage fright.

you try. 1) Manuel looked out at the downpour, and then he put on his raincoat and boots. 1) Manuel looked out at the downpour; then he put on his raincoat and boots.

you try. 2) Energy released during an earthquake is tremendous, and it can equal the explosive force of 180 metric tons of TNT. 2) Energy released during an earthquake is tremendous; it can equal the explosive force of 180 metric tons of TNT.

You can also use a semicolon to take the place of a period to join two or more independent clauses that are closely related.

example Rain soaked the earth. Plants became green. Fragrant flowers bloomed. Rain soaked the earth; plants became green; fragrant flowers bloomed.

Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression

Commonly used conjunctive adverbs: accordingly also besides consequently furthermore however indeed instead meanwhile moreover nevertheless next otherwise still then therefore

Commonly used transitional expressions: as a result for example for instance in addition in fact that is on the other hand in other words

examples Our student council voted to have a Crazy Clothes Day; the principal, however, vetoed the idea. That quilt is quite old; it is, in fact, filled with cotton, not polyester, batting.

A semicolon (rather than a comma) may be needed to separate independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction when the clauses contain commas.

examples Confusing: Alana, Erik, and Kim voted for her, and Scott, Roland, and Vanessa voted for Jason. Clear: Alana, Erik, and Kim voted for her; and Scott, Roland, and Vanessa voted for Jason.

you try. 3) My mother and I sometimes go to Massachusetts in late summer, however, last year we went in July. 3) My mother and I sometimes go to Massachusetts in late summer; however, last year we went in July.

you try. 4) One hot day my mother, my grandparents, and I went to the beach, and my grandfather, the most active man I know, immediately went down to the water for a swim. 4) One hot day my mother, my grandparents, and I went to the beach; and my grandfather, the most active man I know, immediately went down to the water for a swim.

Use a colon to mean “note what follows.” The only things you are allowed to bring into the examination are as follows: pencils, calculators and ID cards.

The exception here is to not use a colon between a verb and its complements or between a preposition and its objects At the new amusement park we rode: the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, and the bumper cars. At the new amusement park we rode the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, and the bumper cars Our family has lived in: California, Arizona, and Texas. Our family has lived in California, Arizona, and Texas. Our family has lived in the following states: California, Arizona, and Texas

Use a colon before a list of items, especially after the expressions like “the following” and “as follows”

example You will need to bring the following equipment: a sleeping bag, a warm sweater, and extra socks. Additional supplies are as follows: a toothbrush, toothpaste, a change of clothes, and a pillow.

Use a colon before a long, formal statement or a long quotation. Horace Mann had this to say: “Do not think of knocking another person’s brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago.”

Use a colon between independent clauses when the second clause explains or restates the idea of the first. Thomas Jefferson had many talents: He was a writer, a politician, an architect, and an inventor.

you try. 5) Mrs. Hughes named the three students who had completed extra projects Marshall, Elena, and Alex. 5) Mrs. Hughes named the three students who had completed extra projects: Marshall, Elena, and Alex.

Use a colon in the following conventional situations: - between the hour and minute (and second). He ran his first marathon in 3:05:24. - between chapter and verse in Biblical references The lyrics to that Byrds song can be found in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. - between the title and subtitle The Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to his White Mother - after the salutation of a business letter Dear Mr. President: