CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-II IPV-6 Routing: Configuring IPV-6: Let say we will configure the address on Router R1 R1# Conf t R1(Conf t)# ipv6 address 2001:22BB::1/64 R1(Conf t)# show ipv6 int fa 0/0 On Router R2 R2(Conf t)# ipv6 2001:22BB::2/64 R1(Conf t)# no shut R1(Conf t)# show ipv6 int fa 0/0 Pinging an IPV-6: R1(Conf t)# ping ipv6 2001:22BB::1 It should ping
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-II ICMPv6-ND is replacement for ARP ND is neighbor discovery. NS is neighbor solicitation. (Basically a multicast address). This multicast reaches everyone on the network and announce it’s own Link local address, it also checks the DAD or Duplicate Address Detection. Note: In IPv6 FF02 is a multicast message. E.g FF02::16 means the message is for all multicast capable device. Note: FF02::1 signal for all local link devices. (Kind of Broadcast) FF02::2 is multicast address for all Routers. FF02::1:FF00:2 (kind of ARP) FF02::1:FFE8:0 (Kind of ARP) Routers send specific multicast message for multicast group. Last 24 bits are the multicast group.
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-II So instead of sending message to everybody as in ARP, multicast is only sent to targeted Router or device. Manual Link Local Address assignment is best practice then to get it address automatically. Configure Manual Link Local Address: R1(Conf t)# ipv6 address FE80::3:2:1 link-local Note: Link local have no subnet masks MAC address mapping check: Use the following command to check MAC to IP address mapping. R1(Conf t)# show ipv6 neighbors To clear the cache R1(Conf t)# clear ipv6 neighbors
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-II Link Local:
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-II