Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTERS Sharon DeBragga, Career Development Coordinator Mary Donini, School Based Technology Specialist Susan Guarino, Career Center Specialist
MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL ABOUT MOUNTAIN VIEW Located in Centreville, Virginia approximately 25 miles from Washington, DC Average 325 students Rolling enrollment Block Scheduling Median age % ESOL – 65% Ethnicity other than White Open Campus Courses are offered from 8:00 am to 8:30 pm Small classes Accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Student Population Life circumstances resulted in interrupted schooling May be pregnant or parenting (10%) English Language Learners (54%-over 18 languages spoken) Older who are returning to finish their high school graduation requirements (77% over 18) Need a flexible or extended program to accommodate their work or family situations Based at another school and wish to accelerate their educational program Administratively placed (severe discipline problems are not a target population ) Special Needs (12%)
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Portfolio Advantages... Performance Assessment Program Assessment Encourages revision Student ownership of learning Student pride and accomplishment
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL In the Beginning… Paper-based Portfolio Initiative Folders stored in Media Center file cabinet Seen by only a few Usually left in behind after graduation
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL The Process Now... A Microsoft Publisher portfolio template is placed in each student’s home directory Each student is given a set of written instructions
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL The Process continued... All students are introduced to the portfolio project during orientation and expected to work on their portfolios for the duration of their time at Mountain View
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL The Process continued... Technology staff visits each English Class for further instruction Students begin work on their Introduction and resume
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL The Process continued... Teachers encourage students to include academic samples from their disciplines Students work on portfolios during ‘down time’ in class Special Completion Days
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL SOFTWARE USED Microsoft Publisher Winway Resume Typhoon AutoRun Assistant MediaFACE Label Maker
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL The Resource Team 3 Career Specialists Media Specialist Technology Specialist Technology Coordinator
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Each member of the Resource Team takes responsibility for tracking the progress of a group of graduating seniors Students are given individual help as needed
Fairfax County Public Schools Portfolio Samples Our Template Alice Cassie Elise Kevin
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Special Days Portfolio Reflection Day each semester Portfolio Completion Week each semester Professional Etiquette Day Professional Portfolio Review Day
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL LESSONS LEARNED Technology should not be the main emphasis Motivate students by displaying good completed portfolios Begin the project with templates created Train teachers to use the software. This is a TEAM EFFORT!! Start as soon as students enroll and emphasis that this is a work in progress until they graduate.
Fairfax County Public Schools MOUNTAIN VIEW ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL Students design CD labels The Final Step...