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TK Tien Principal Architect & Strategist Intel World Ahead Nov. 10, 2012 The Learning Economy The Learning Economy 40 Years Innovation
¨Prepare students for jobs that haven’t been created …solve problems that may not even yet exist.¨ ¨Prepare students for jobs that haven’t been created …solve problems that may not even yet exist.¨ ─ former U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley ¨Give students the inspiration to bring something extra to the world.¨ ─ author Thomas L. Friedman, That Used to Be Us Role of Educators Students will not just take good jobs; they need to create jobs.
6 The Learning Economy Required Many Leaders - Ordinary people, who do extraordinary things! Accountable & Action: DNA of all leaders. On top of this foundation, there are 5 characteristics that are common: 1. Vision 2. Believe 3. Committed 4. Passion 5. Courage
Intel Confidential
Schools must Inspire Innovative thinking
Tech Generation is NOW! Every K-12 student born after 90’s internet revolutionEvery K-12 student born after 90’s internet revolution Students commonly utilize technology outside schoolStudents commonly utilize technology outside school
Play, Passion and Purpose in Learning
Classrooms haven’t entered Tech Generation.... They Must!
12 Parents and Experts Internet, intranet and National Education Network Other Schools and Organizations Worldwide Library & Curriculum Content Tools Learning Communities and Community Content Class Peers Teacher Student Centered How to Deliver 21 st Century Skills - A Sustainable Education Transformation Student Instructor Centric Enable student with the tools to be successful in the 21 st century anywhere, anytime & any pace learning “Integrated” learning environment
ICT Enables Student Centric Learning Blended, Collaborative, Personalized Learning On & Off Campus
Transforming Education through ICT Solutions - An End to End, Total/Holistic,InnovatedApproach
End to End Solutions from ICT Ecosystem
16 Worldwide 2012/’13 Education Trends Growth of Digital Content 數位內容的成長 Student centered learning - 學生成為學習中心, 讓學習無所不在 - 學生成為學習中心, 讓學習無所不在 Inverted or Flipped Classrooms - 突破傳統的教學 - 突破傳統的教學 Education Cloud Computing 教育雲的整合 Competition is nearby - 競爭就在身邊 - 競爭就在身邊