The Cell By: David Sykes
Cell Facts Functional basic unit of life Discovered by Robert C Hooke (1653) Humans contain about 100 trillion cells Humans have Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus and Double membrane Nucleus and Double membrane
Cell Membrane Separates interior of cell from outside environment Controls movement of substances in and out of cells Made up of a phospholipid bilayer Anchors cytoskeleton of cell (cell structure)
Cytoplasm Small gel like substance residing within cell Contains all of the organelles inside the cell Most cellular activity occurs in cytoplasm Metabolic pathways Metabolic pathways Glycolysis Glycolysis Process of Cell division Process of Cell division
Mitochondria “Power plant” of cell Generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Chemical energy Chemical energy Mitochondria have an outer and inner membrane Have own DNA!!
Ribosomes Protein synthesis Build long chains of amino acids for cell Build long chains of amino acids for cell Found throughout the cell Free floating Free floating Attached to Endoplasmic reticulum Attached to Endoplasmic reticulum Very small compared to other organelles
Endoplasmic Reticulum Tubular network through cytoplsm and fused to nuclear membrane Serves as the cell’s “transport” system 2 Types Rough ER (ribosomes embedded on surface) Rough ER (ribosomes embedded on surface) Protein synthesis and transport Smooth ER Smooth ER Lipid and steroid synthesis and transport
Golgi Apparatus Modifies/packages molecules for transport out or within cell Processes proteins primarily Different from synthesizing proteins Different from synthesizing proteins Consists of stacks of membrane-bound structures know as “cisternae” Think of it as a post office Creates lysosomes
Lysosome Contain hydrolase enzymes to break down waste materials and cellular debris Digests broken down organelles broken down organelles food particles food particles Bacteria Bacteria Autolytic cell destruction Lysosome releases enzyme to destroy own cell Lysosome releases enzyme to destroy own cell
Vacuole Filled with water containing organic and inorganic molecules Enzyme solutions Enzyme solutions Assists in digestive and waste management process Mostly in plants but there are some in specific animal cells
Nucleus Membrane enclosed organelle which takes up about 10% of cell (largest organelle) Controls gene expression and replication of DNA Sometimes called the “brain” of the cell Contains the nucleolus Synthesize rRNA and assemble ribosomes Synthesize rRNA and assemble ribosomes
Plant cell differences Cell Wall Surrounds cell membrane Surrounds cell membrane Gives cell structure and support Gives cell structure and supportChloroplast Perform photosynthesis-convert light energy into ATP (usable energy) Perform photosynthesis-convert light energy into ATP (usable energy) Much larger vacuoles
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