Dynamics of remittance between Russia and Turkey г.2007 г.2008 г.2009 г.2010 г.2011 г. Remittances from Russia to Turkey, U.S. $ million 30,758,688, ,5 Remittances from Turkey to Russia, U.S. $ million 21,832,737,632,334,840,8 Balance of Russia, U.S. $ million -8,9-25,9-51,2-37,7-51,2-73,7
Dynamics of remittance between Russia and Turkey.
The share of remittances in GDP of Russia and Turkey The share of remittances from Turkey in Russian GDP 0,0022%0,0025%0,0023%0,0026%0,0024%0,0022% The share of remittances in Turkey in Russian GDP 0,0031%0,0045%0,0053%0,0057%0,0058%0,0061% Share of remittance from Russia in GDP Turkey 0,0041%0,0051% 0,0053%0,0048%0,0053% Share of remittance to Russia in GDP Turkey 0,0058%0,0091%0,0122%0,0114%0,0118%0,0148%
Turkish labour migrants in Russian regions.
Turkish labour migrants in Federal districts of Russian Federation. Federal district of Russian Federation. The number of labor migrants from Turkey Total employment in thousands The share of labor migrants from Turkey in total employment CFD ,11% NWFD ,05% SFD (South) ,13% SCFD ,05% VFD ,08% SFD (Siberian) ,02% UFD ,23% FEFD ,06%
Region RF The number of labor migrants from Turkey, people. The share of labor migrants from Turkey in the total employment in the region of Russia Moscow ,23% Krasnodar Territory 70710,29% Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region 46131,45% Moscow region 41740,11% Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region 33080,39% Perm Territory 31630,24% St. Petersburg 27380,10% The Republic of Tatarstan 25560,13% Sverdlovsk region 21400,10%